Two women get kicked out of Uber after kiss

My wagon my space , it’s against health and safety to distract the driver. If the driver feels that the passengers ratly behavior is distracting him then he can claw them out his wagon

Hello, hi Brad:

I think by ‘ratly’ you might mean ‘rowdy’.
Also, you would say ‘out of his wagon’ instead of ‘out his wagon’.

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I was thinking he meant “rat-like” behavior.


yes “rat like” behaviour

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I laughed when I read the article–what a contrast between Uber and Taiwan. Taiwan taxi drives have to be some of the most liberal on earth. You can finger bang a chick in the back seat of a Taiwan taxi and the driver will continue to chew betel nut.

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I’m all for health & safety, not so much for individual discretion in setting the rules for what is actually public transit. Would you take that kind of :poop: from a driver who wants to smoke in the vehicle?

Also, just as people who are afraid of their own shadows don’t make the best cops, people who are easily distracted don’t make the best drivers.

It seems to me they went into unintended territory with their rule. Hypothetical conversation:

“Well, we don’t want people groping back there like it’s a drive in.”
“Yeah, but how are we going to put that down exactly”
“Just say no touching, that’ll cover anything too out there”
“Yeah that sounds good”

Without considering that someone might take it a bit too literally. Couples can’t really reasonably be expected to avoid contact like a couple of Mormon missionaries.

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