U.S. tries Google for intelligence on Iran

If you read the article it shows that there are still some issues related to information sharing between different government agencies/departments and obviously the CIA is now rather cautious to give out intelligence information for policy making based on the previous experience.

U.S. tries Google for intelligence on Iran


When the State Department recently asked the CIA for names of Iranians who could be sanctioned for their involvement in a clandestine nuclear weapons program, the agency refused, citing a large workload and a desire to protect its sources and tradecraft.

Frustrated, the State Department assigned a junior Foreign Service officer to find the names another way – by using Google. Those with the most hits under search terms such as “Iran and nuclear,” three officials said, became targets for international rebuke Friday when a sanctions resolution circulated at the United Nations.

Full article here

So the question is what will G.W. Bush try to do next - justifying a war based on Google results? :smiley:

haha. That is funny. What is even funnier is how many German taxpayer Euros are being spent to prevent Iran from going nuclear. Clearly, given that it is not a real threat, it would be much better to merely have a junior officer wasting his time on google rather than having the absolute highest most senior officials doing so, wouldn’t you agree? haha Strange that the German foreign ministry does not attempt to learn more about how to do thinks less wastefully from the Americans, eh? haha

Actually, I think it was funnier that NASA spent millions of tax payers dollars inventing an “anti-gravity” pen, when the Russians used a pencil.

That wasn’t the point of the article, haha.

But it was the point of your post, eh? haha

So, again, isn’t it amusing that the Germans who are much vaunted for their “efficiency” have the highest, most senior members of their foreign policy establishment working on a problem of such little consequence, at least from the American perspective, that it has been delegated to a junior officer of no rank? Whooo hooo hahahaha Those Germans!!! Iran clearly is NOT a threat so why are you all spending so much time trying to talk them out of developing nuclear weapons? I am sure that like Saddam, the mullahs are merely bluffing and if the IAEA and UN are given more time to conduct negotiations and the like, all of this can be resolved peacefully through use of “soft power.” haha

Only problem, eh? Those damned Iranians (unlike) Saddam, have very efficient missiles that could oh reach Berlin? Hamburg? Frankfurt? Munich? Cologne? So suddenly, dictators with wmds are a problem, eh? Whooo hooo! You have me rolling in the aisles on that one! When are you Germans going to stop thinking that no one else but yourselves can have weapons? Really it is tooo tooo much! hahahahaa

But it was the point of your post, eh? haha[/quote]


Really? So what was the point of your post?

and then some… I think that “laughable” is exactly the adjective I would use to describe this attempt at whatever it is you are attempting to attempt…