Who’s your Daddy, Chuck?
[quote]Light Heavyweight Championship bout: Champion Chuck Liddell vs. Quinton Jackson
Jackson defeats Liddell by TKO (punches) at 1:53 in the first round. Jackson is the new UFC Light Heavyweight Champion.[/quote]
And new big swinging dick on the block goes to:[quote]
Light Heavyweight bout: Houston Alexander vs. Keith Jardine
Alexander defeats Jardine by TKO (strikes) at 0:48 of the first round.[/quote]
Another beattheFdown in the first round smushing. Credit to Jardine who got up from 4 knockout chinshots…but number five left him floopy.
What’s that? A code to launch the PLA attack bats now or some mad AVI dialogue?
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]What’s that? A code to launch the PLA attack bats now or some mad AVI dialogue?
Quinton Rampage Jackson - $225,000 def. Chuck Liddell - $500,000
Houston Alexander - $8,000 def. Keith Jardine - $7,000[/quote]
Not surprisingly, the cheaper fight was better.
Iceman met someone who could box and learned the only boxing lesson my father ever taught me: hands up…chin down.
Actually I like and respect the Iceman (Kenpo Rules!) and was sorry to see him lose but “on any Sunday any team in the NFL can lose”.
AS with the other UFC avents these are often live on satellite TV but I can record the events and burn them off to disc perhaps.
[quote=“brianlkennedy”]Iceman met someone who could box and learned the only boxing lesson my father ever taught me: hands up…chin down.
Actually I like and respect the Iceman (Kenpo Rules!) and was sorry to see him lose but “on any Sunday any team in the NFL can lose”.
Yeah pretty basic. Lots of thai boxers fight like that in Thailand. They let their hands drop a lot. I knew that coming and so did Jackson and his team. They planned it. He would of lasted even less time with an in prime Mike Tyson in a K1 fight. Terrible boxing defense. Jackson is one of a new generation that actually know decent boxing.
Not being controversial but some awful boxing skills in UFC. Look at Tito Ortiz his boxing is shite. Basic law keep your jaw covered or you go down. I was surprised Randy didn’t catch him with that as well. Boxing is a basic fighting skill it has to learned along with wrestling. We often here this or that person has the greatest hands in UFC. If their hands are that great they would of earned multi millions in boxing. However recently the level of fighters are going up and up as the level of prize money and sponsers is increasing. UFC will start attracting more and more of the kids that used to go to boxing. The level will get better and better. Jackson was way better than Liddel. It was not the one punch that ended the fight. It was better boxing skill by Jackson and bad boxing skill by Liddel.
Jackson will be great for UFC as he is a loud mouth attention seeker who can fight. Will be great for the ratings. It is going to take a damn good wrestler to beat him.
If you like heavy weight boxing knockouts here is a great video link. Has most of the great ones Tyson, Foreman, Jack Dempsey etc etc. Nearly all of these knockouts happen on the jaw.
metacafe.com/watch/381176/he … knockouts/
I was talking with Scott Sommers, a martial arts friend of mine, a couple of weeks ago about two kind of related things in the UFC; why many UFC fighters don’t keep their hands up and why many of them seem to fight kind of “squared” to the opponent as opposed to having one side leading (i.e. in normal western boxing you fight with your left side “leading”, being closer to the opponent, if you are right handed)
take care,