Ugly Truths About Working in Taiwan

Lots of abcs are bilingual and dual passport. Not that special.

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Weā€™ll see.

Due process, old chap. We donā€™t want to end up like Trump now, do we?


I hope you donā€™t mind, Iā€™ll give that best troll ever a like, which makes it 9.
Nine? Nine! The nine is mine!

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Iā€™m not as down on Taiwan in the next decade or two or three as some are.
If Japan can survive a lost ā€œdecadeā€ now thatā€™s been ongoing for nearly 3 decades, Taiwan will somehow survive a same-type scenario. If anything, if Taiwan can maintain 1% growth in GDP at sub-1% birth rate, then mathematically at least, its GDP per capita slowly rises. Yes, itā€™s rather a simple statement, but Taiwan has a huge store of amassed wealth. I wish I could find that article that compared Taiwan to other nations in this regard. Plus, I think a bit more overseas Taiwanese (whether ABTers, CBTers, etc.) will slowly arrive back on the island to spend their later twilight years in relatively cheap comfort.


Having a store of wealth is not much use for young people with no wealth.

Sure it can trundle on fine for a couple of decades yet being a very rich country (in terms of its GDP and savings ).

sighhhā€¦ the wealth is passed down to next generation.
Thatā€™s how some youngsters CAN afford to buy the real estate market at these levels.
You may not have relatives in Taiwan to receive wealth from, but that wealth will still remain on the island in Taiwanese hands.
One of the big reasons for that spike in real estate a few years ago was the drop in estate/death taxes that Taiwan passed.

Iā€™m not taking about myself , my family and in laws have enough to keep us going. More than enough. Iā€™m a top income earner in Taiwan.

Not everything is about being selfish.

In the end though that might kind of society just relying on inherited wealth is really uninspiring and conservative and not going anywhere . Yes itā€™s a trend in others places too but no way as bad as here !

Also nobody wants to overpay for shitty and old concrete apartments .

Also they will need to find somebody to sell all those spare apartments to as the working population is going to drop off quickly.

Itā€™s misleading to call it death tax, many mistakenly think that the person liable is the one who died which is incorrect.

Itā€™s more appropriate to call it Iā€™m happy to be alive tax

correct. I added the ā€œdeathā€ so that the ā€œestateā€ would not be confused with a drop in real estate taxes. Anyhewwwwā€¦ at that time huge money flows came back to Taiwan on the back of this.

Yes Ma Ying Jius splendid plan to ā€˜helpā€™ the economy by making property even more expensive .
Supposedly Taiwanese would bring their money back to invest in companies, factories, buy retail stuff etc.
It was obvious what the real plan was.

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it is what it is.
you cannot deny a personā€™s right to invest his hard-earned money however he wishes. otherwise, it turns back into a controlled economy in theory. donā€™t want that.
Stop hissy-fitting on what Taiwanese do with their money. They earned it the hard way (investing in Taiwan in 70s and 80s and in China in 90s and 2000s). Be glad some of that cash from China has come back to Taiwan and not remained in commie land.
You want the best of both worlds, and that wonā€™t happen under the current trend of globalization.

Itā€™s not me hissy fitting about property prices millions of Taiwanese are hissy fitting, mate.

I pay tax for 20 years I donā€™t need to listen to you telling me what I should think or say.

Same here. We have something in common. :beers:

Iā€™m kind of amazed, @Brianjones. For all your pushing of the Putin button on others, you certainly donā€™t take too much heat yourself (at times). Quite the emotional man.

But thatā€™s okay. I accept that, just as I accept bombs thrown my way.
Itā€™s life
Try not to get emotional over things so easy.
Have a Taiwan beer and pay for/enjoy the fruits of Taiwan labor, so to speak.

letā€™s lighten up the mood a bit.
Have a laugh at the video, I did. Itā€™s a harmless one.

I prefer Sapporo and Asahi :beer:

Everyone south of the border would move there given the chance though
Hell I reckon half the countries would voluntarily become a US state if they could and it meant receiving the associated gibmedats

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I luv Taiwan!

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ha ha. He even had the tattoo written in Chinese, the proper way, from right to left.
Like the old black 'n white Taiwanese movies.

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Sapporoā€™s da bomb.
Know some Taiwanese who go to Hokkaido in the summer just to spend time and drink the regionā€™s brew.