Ukraine Invaded by the Russians - March 2022

Taiwan, unfortunately, isn’t Ukraine when it comes to a war of resistance.

Taiwan isn’t recognized as a sovereign, independent nation by virtually anyone, including the U.S. If war broke out, China would throw up a naval blockade around the entire island, starving it of weapons and other supplies. The U.S. would have to go to war with China to keep Taiwan re-supplied, which it isn’t likely to do.

In Ukraine, it’s a nation of 140 million pitted against a nation of 40 million. With Taiwan it’s a nation of 1.4 billion against 23 million diplomatic “orphans.” China could absorb many more casualties thanTaiwan could in a war of attrition. Even if foreign fighters could make it past the blockade to bolster Taiwan’s fighting forces they wouldn’t be able to blend in and would actually be a detriment because they would make everyone around them a target.

Unlike Ukraine, Taiwan’s top leaders would likely vanish overnight, leaving a leadership vacuum.