Ukraine Invaded by the Russians - March 2022

They already have massive reserves up North.
Personally I don’t think it’s anymore complicated than that he really believes the bullshit that comes out of his mouth about Ukraine being little Russia and belonging to Russia .

I recommend folks to watch the doc above, ‘Putin’s Way’.

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Apparently they blew up buildings to make it look like Chechen rebels were blowing up buildings.


Plus Ukraine has all that good cropland he’s about to take.

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I think the delusion lies elsewhere.

You do realize that everything does NOT revolve around the US and its party politics right? There is actually a wider world out there, and people with their own desires that are not reducible to “I hate Hillary” or “Trump is evil.”



As gently and delicately as possible–because I feel uncomfortable having to bring this point up–I’m pretty sure that there are pre-schoolers (maybe not all, but some), who, when they smack one of their playmates, know how to try to blur the issue of their fault by bringing up some shortcoming or other of that playmate.

So I have to say that I don’t understand how I’ve been illogical for bringing up a common-as-sparrows characteristic of the human species (sometimes called blame-shifting). And I certainly don’t expect applause for the easy-peasy feat of pointing out the, uh, oddness of justifying or excusing the mass destruction and death that’s going on in Ukraine with accusations of corruption, discussing joining NATO, etc.

But I guess there could be folk in the world who take Thomas DeQuincey seriously when he mentions murder and procrastination in the same breath.

Either you are not following what I am saying, or are assigning me with a position I dont have. From 2016

I am clearly not just talking about Hillary or Trump, I make that clear by talking about globalists, that includes a lot of countries and people. I mention above.

John McCain and Lindsey Graham are Republicans, Amy Klobuchar is a Democrat. Perhaps you might take a moment to digest what is being said.

Let me restate my point.

As a non-American, and as a resident of Taiwan, I appreciate the important role the US plays in the world.

But reading some posts about this war, I do get the sense that it can be turned into a projection site that’s ALL about the US, whether it’s doing the right things or making dumb decisions. It feels like scoring points to me (again, as a non-American readings these posts).

It’d be nice to also get a sense of what Ukrainians themselves, you know, actually want.



The first war playing out on Instagram?


If the EU weren’t bunch of useless pussies, they would have sent a few hundred thousand troops and equipment to the Russian border of Ukraine and we wouldn’t be here.

Maybe the reason the US comes up often is because they are the only country that does shit on a large scale, right or wrong.

But you are totally missing @Mick 's point on all this.

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You can’t really have too much.

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I understood his point. :slight_smile:


Musk understands how BS the whole reactor incident was.

Too bad most of the world besides France sat idle for 50 years.


Very interesting—thank you for recommending this.

After watching this investigative documentary, it’s clear Putin was forged in two systems: the secrecy and brutality of the KGB (he worked in East Germany) and the political kleptocracy of Russia in the 1990s. He was very ambitious, calculating, and cold-blooded. He was—and is—an extremely dangerous man.



How delusional their demands are. At the very least, sovereign country Ukraine should not be prohibited from joining whatever the hell bloc it wants. You can’t just go into someone’s room, wreck their shit (putting it rather mildly), and then tell them you will stop only if they sign papers that not only formally has them concede to you part of their property, but also bounds them to not put a lock on the door (you know, so as to dissuade this insanity from happening again).

Clown world.

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Don’t forget beating the shit out of them, then saying they will be allowed safe passage to the aggresor’s territory. Fucking thugs.

“Ukraine has criticised a proposal by Moscow to open refugee corridors as “immoral” and “unacceptable” after the Russian defence ministry announced that civilians fleeing some cities would only be allowed to leave for Belarus or Russia.”


And those are not even the real terms, those are just the terms he is saying


Zelensky has already turned the “offer” down.

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