Ukraine Invaded by the Russians - September to October 2022

I told you. “your logic” and your “telling me”.

So your admit YOU’RE defeat?

I been running circles around you for years. the ALPHA the OMEGA. King Kong DOOOOOOONK. ’

p.s. dont glue your self to stuff.

interesting, as UK papers all picking up on news that Truss’ phone got hacked by Russkies or others and now that phone is “secured”/“locked away” somewhere.
The hack wouldn’t be the phone, but rather iCloud, as he hints.
If true, it will not bode well.

The Mail on Sunday report, which cited unnamed sources, suggested that private messages exchanged between Truss and foreign officials while she was foreign secretary — some apparently involving sensitive information about the war in Ukraine, and personal communication with former Treasury chief Kwasi Kwarteng — were breached in the supposed cyberattack.

you really think she used her private iPhone to send highly classified government info to blinker? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I saw the Kim Dotcom tweets, take anything he says with a grain of salt.

Funny if true, Dotcom has closer ties to hacker groups than most. I’m sure he knows people with access to iCloud admin status.

Still, take it with a BIG grain of salt.

Go ask the UK paper, and the Labor Party. Or are you above that?

no solid evidence.



Assuming the above isn’t sarcasm, yes, that part seems completely plausible.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I love how the only comeback the pro-russian folks here have is, “you’re just a sheep” because somehow support for Ukraine equates to agreeing with everything CNN and Liberals say. good one.

is this the international symbol for, “I believe lizard people run shit” ?


Ukrainian drone ships hitting the Russian fleet in terrible weather.

These drones are probably something Taiwan should get more of. Maybe ones that mostly remains submerged. Or maybe ones that uses hydrofoils to stay mostly above water to gain speed.


Dude, he gave you a cop out non answer, one that suggests he doesnt know what he’s talking about, and you can call him out on that

Bringing asses into it lowers the bar. We’ve given a lot of warnings lately about the lack of civility on this thread, eventually suspensions will be handed out


lets hope it’s enforced on both sides. I don’t report anybody. I just counter punch, like the great Donald J.

anyway, carry on.

I will say though, I am surprised at how Putin was able to strong arm everybody to do whatever he wants with a GDP the size of Texas and a military that would probably get mopped by Mississippi.

Putin went from Ivan the dragon to Beatle Juice from Howard Stern. Just Imagine Beatle Juice punking you ass. I will give credit where credit is do.

See, I don’t just do whatever the TV says, I gave praise to Putin.

Putin be like…look im like 600 pounds…at least over 400…about 6’6

You need to understand what I was saying. It feels like you felt a need to defend. I was simply stating that there is evidence that Russian military forces were in the area in the days and hours before the explosion. Those are facts.

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Taiwan would only be I if they didn’t cost money. Otherwise almost is sufficient.

Nobody disputes they where in the area, I mean they do live in the area and have always sailed around there. It’s one of the reasons the pipeline was build there in the first place.

You said there is evidence that points to Russia dropping explosives, this is what I would like to see.

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I just wonder wtf russia would have to gain from blowing a pipeline? UNLESS, there is a clause somewhere in the contract that says something like, “in the event of _______ country ______ must pay us ____ $”

or they could just turn off the tap.

I honestly just can’t tell anywhere when Russia is telling, because when they might tell one truth they got like hundreds of lies stacked up on them.
Your reputation precedes you.

Russia are selling the gas at a higher price to other countries outside of Europe.

It also could be used as a negotiation tactic to say look we control you future give us what we want.

It could be just as an act of sabotage.

But what does any other country have to gain? What does the USA gain? What does Europe gain? What does Ukraine gain?

Not true. China for example got a sweet deal from Russia and for a while they were reselling some of the natural gas they got from Russia to Europe. But they’ve stopped now. China has stopped sales of LNG to Europe to make sure its own households have enough gas for the winter, report says