Unable to purchase from ITunes in Taiwan?

I was told that a person could not make an online purchase from the ITunes store if they are living in Taiwan because it is not yet available here. I looked at the countries and Taiwan was not listed. Sure enough, I tried to make a purchase using my credit card issued by a bank here in Taipei and was unable to.

Has anyone else had this same experience or was it just bad timing on my part. I have tried two or three times and keep getting denied.

Thanks in advance!

Nope. You cannot unless you have a US issues credit card and use the US store (or whatever country can purchase)

None of the major online stores can be easily used from here, and CDs aren’t available in shops here either. Must be part of the plan to combat piracy :unamused:

Have you tried filling in the address as fully as you can (including 5 digit postal code) but leaving the country as “USA”, That works on some online retailers, depends if they try to verify the postal code against the rest of the address.

[quote=“Big Fluffy Matthew”]None of the major online stores can be easily used from here, and CDs aren’t available in shops here either. Must be part of the plan to combat piracy :unamused:[/quote]I’ve had no problems with Amazon (the US site, anyway), for books and CDs.