Unpaid "Office Hours" -- Are they legal?

I am shocked to hear about this sick pay regulation. I can hardly believe it and would be surprised if it was enforced. Has anyone actually got paid this money for sick days? It is a great law though. I was required by Joy to arrive an hour before class and told them that it was impossible due to my full time job. Thought we have a verbal agreement and went on with my biz for a few weeks. After that they started getting on me about it. Since i could only arrive 30 minutes before class, they expected me to sit there after class for another 30 minutes. I simply wasn’t having it and ended up quitting 3 weeks later. It certainly doesn’t take one hour to prepare for two hours of class. This place is a bloody circus and the last time i work for any buxiban. Be careful, if you’re boss is the vindictive type and the sponsor of your ARC, he can make your life difficult.


I know this is an old thread but may be others in this podition now.

Essentially you will have a contract (written) that should include your hours and place of work. If you are earning $10 a minutue ($600) hour then it is not unreasonable to deduct money for time you dont work (it may be petty if lateness is very minor and infrequent though). However this is in regard to your defined contracted hours in your written contract, which should have a clause in it saying its terms and conditions override any previous agreements written or verbal (this safeguards both parties from things ssid or misinterpreted at interview stage)

The fact that you agreed to initially come in 50 minutes early for free means that your employer agreed that the value of you doing this to them is zero (even if it helped you prepare class). Coupled with how yiurcontract is (or should have been), defined, you have NO obligation to continue to come in so early AND your employer cant legally penalise you financially for this. If raised, simply point to your contract and the excellent legal points others have raised