Unpopular opinion: healthcare in Taiwan is very bad

Am new here. It is not prudent for me to bitch about nhi here. Since I belong to a far away land.
Well one experience just a couple of weeks back- without nhi, since I have no employer (Taiwanese)

I injured my hand (deep cuts) while paragliding into a tree. . Went to a government funded private hospital ( seemed okay) to get suctures. The job was okay at best. It seemed to me that ER doctors here ( at least in west Taiwan) are not the best. Later came back to a private plastic surgeon doctor ( on recommendation from my insurance company) who is not in nhi. He carefully removed all the sutures due to his opinion that it was a terrible job at best excluding other issues. Not judging anyone here. Have a number of injuries on self throughout a number of countries. But the experience in here, in my opinion was not great.

Maybe chronic diseases or other issues may work out best. Although as a man of science, I have deep respect upon these folks, I cannot claim incompetence whilst attempting foolish overthrows. Although what I have gathered , nhi is far better than most countries. But as someone mentioned, the system is US is worse but still the best in technology and abilities.

Bills : (out of pocket) First ( NhI funded) ER : 3500 +900 NTD

Private Surgeon New Taipei: 5000 Ntd + 700 each visit( with medical assistance) for 3 to 5 times.

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Does anyone know why they restrict mental health medication?
For example you can only get 50 mg of Zoloft - other countries allow 200-300 mg. 50 is actually the minimum dose for it to even work.
You have to come back after one week, then two, then three, then four… Why? It doesn’t even make sense as the medication doesn’t start kicking in till after a few weeks. They could just call to check in.

You also have to get an appointment to get plan b but birth control doesn’t need one. Why not just allow no appointment for either? Birth control cost the same as it does in the US instead of just being free or stupid cheap.

These things don’t make sense lol. I guess at least Zoloft is stupid cheap.

ETA: I kind of wonder if the cost and restrictions have to do with which medication are made here? Maybe the birth control is made here but plan b isn’t hence the need for appointment? Idk…

I don’t know. For example I go to some hospital for the antidepressants but the doctor says hospital rule requires them to give no more than 2 weeks until you have been visiting for at least 6 months. It’s stupid because it’s just a few minutes of consultation anyways. I suspect hospitals do this to milk money from NHI.

I mean apart from copay it costs less for NHI if I see the doctor every 3 months instead of once 2 weeks. And antidepressants take that long before it works.

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Same for Aspirin, not OTC and extremely low dosage of 100mg.

Normal dosage in Germany is 400mg



I don’t see what this has to do with anything. You weaken your first and second points by including it. As far as I’m concerned they can f**k whoever they like.

It’s not a perfect system for sure. My biggest complaint is that sometimes the medicines dispensed here just aren’t strong enough. I had a bad skin infection years ago and the two kinds of ointment the doctors here gave me did almost nothing. I later bought some triple antibiotic ointment in the States and in a few days I was fine.

Even finding paracetamol not that easy.

In Italy the minimum dosage is basically 500mg, but most take 1000mg, like me.

Ibuprofen seems also like some kind of black market drug here😂


I think it is called Panadol? That is the brand that sells acetaminophen here, I mean. Just be careful it does not come with caffeine, unless you want that.

I also prefer the Paracetamol from back home, but I have tried the Panadol and it works adequately.

Antibiotic ointment? Antibiotics should be taken as a course and per doctors instructions. Incorrect usage of antibiotics is one of the biggest dangers to humanity as it breeds resistant bacteria.


Seriously? Wow. :grimacing:


Seriously? Any pharmacy will sell you them for NT$2/tablet.

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I’m just used to see it at 7-11 back in HK or any supermaket back home, here u need to go to the chemist.

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I know what you mean! You could go to the gas station in the states and get whatever. Also, almost every grocery store has a pharmacy and “doctor’s office”. Here? You have to go to like 846474 doctors and then try and find a pharmacy that actually has what you need.

Oh and you have to be careful here because some “doctors” and “pharmacies” are just Chinese medicine. If I’m bleeding to death I don’t want snake oil mate. :joy:

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Is that the yellow kind they give you when you get the Covid vaccine? What do you ask for? I would not mind filling my paracetamol at NT$2/tablet.

I got diclofenac 100mg before at couple NT$ per tablet at the pharmacy too. I find if you just show them what doctor prescribed they have lots of cheap pills they can sell you.

It’s a free country, no one is forcing any of us to visit those clinics, so I think you should be good. :slightly_smiling_face:


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They’re labeled as doctors office and pharmacy. Hence why you have to be careful. :woman_facepalming:t3:

I’ve managed to dodge them so far, and I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I think you’ll make it.


It’s more likely you didn’t realize you went to one. They’re more common than actual physicians. There are a few threads talking about this. If you somehow magically haven’t gone to one congratulations?

When they start sticking lots of tiny needles into you then you are probably in the wrong place.

You can certainly go to the pharmacy and buy the dosage you need. No script needed but it will be a little expensive.

Honestly Acetaminophen should be prescription only. It’s actually one of the most dangerous OTC drugs out there. If you OD on it it will DESTROY your liver completely and you will die slowly over weeks unless you get a liver transplant.

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Not sure if this is the reason, but would be logical if they do this due to the massive pill popping culture in health care here. if they started stronger doses while used to taking a handful of problem solvers, the already pretty high amount organ issues in Taiwan surely would be more alarming !

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All it really takes to kill you with panadol is basically something like 8000mg (I think the max safe recommended dose is 4000mg). It sounds like a lot but if you were pill popping like crazy it’s easy to overshoot this amount.