I heard about a Canadian English teacher who after finishing his year of teaching was ready to go back home. During his time here, he didn’t learn any Chinese so when he got into the taxi he just flapped his arms in order to convey to the driver that he was going to the airport.
The taxi driver consequently took him to a lake famous for its swans.
Can anyone verify this story? What about any other Urban Myths.
There are people who thinks Taiwan is a part of the USA… how did they think that? I would love it if it were true though, that means no immigration BS to move back to Texas.
I heard that many people in Taiwan are actually braindead but still run around on the streets and believe that Taiwan belongs to China …
And I heard that the governement is not censuring the ‘free’ media because only 1% of the population believes in what the media brings out … so no reason for worrying …
What does that mean? The media believe their own fantasies, so that makes them actually brain dead …