URL file directory information

Suppose that I log on to a URL with the address

(I made that up)
Is there any command that I can give which will show me all the files and subdirectories on the server at that address?

does not work.

Does anyone know how to get directory information at a particular URL? Or is there some other way I can obtain that information?

Hi Richard:

This depends on the Web Server the URL owner is using and their settings, by default the “index” files would be something like index.htm or index.html or default.htm, default.thml or default.asp, as I said it depends on the Web Server settings

If in that directory there’s no such file, then all files on that directory will be automatically displayed, there’s nothing you can do as client

The other way is if you have FTP access to that server then you can also list all the files on it


Yes, for my website I have turned on the directory index permissions thru
Apache’s .htaccess file, for directories that don’t have a index.html
file, but I also have a link to filelist.html, a list I have made to
all the files on my site. See news:alt.www.webmaster .


If you set permission on .htaccess file on that directory without index.html then it will ask for
username and password in order to access it, so that’s another way
