Last year when I was 49 I had a severe case of benign prostate enlargement (PSA). My treatment was first at a local small clinic, one of the few non- nose-specialized ones. I got correctly diagnosed with PSA and got a prescription for first one, then another Alpha-blocker. Yet there was no improvement at all, things got constantly worse and finally the business on the toilet got really difficult. The doc (actually 4 there) then started to say I would imagine things. Great diagnosis. 
Consequently I changed to the Tri-Service-Hospital in NeiHu finally trying out several doctors there. I was still on Alpha Blockers there and also got bladder-strength enhancing medicine. However things got constantly worse. And well, the doctors said I would imagine things and finally prescribed sedatives and even muscle relaxant :s As things went from worse to real bad I stopped taking all meds and finally had a temporary improvement. Most likely caused by the bladder getting less nervous. However things then worsened again and I had two emergencies at the ER-room.
All that time I had an internal prostrate scan (ultra sound) scheduled, but it was still 2 months away. Instead of speeding up things and giving me priority there over some smiling old dudes who just had a bit loss of pee strength I guess I permanently got the answers my prostate would only be a little bit enlarged (after feeling it) and I would imagine things. One doc mentioned I would be much too young for the problem.
That was when I explored different possible causes of the problem. As I had back pain by that time I ended up getting more muscle relaxant. Both times I had the ER-room visits for not being able to go about the business on the loo was when I took either the sedative or muscle relaxant. This is no rocket science: medicine relaxing muscles also relaxes the bladder, which is not good if you have PSA. One doctor really giggled in my face when he said I imagined things. And that after the ER-room emergency.
I then changed to the Ruentex private clinic in Taipei. Being on NHI I still could use my NHI card, but had to pay a lot extra. On a Thursday the doc there felt my prostate again and said immediately it would be much enlarged and given my ER-room visits an operation would be the only option. I got scheduled for the internal ultrasound the next day (the very thing I had been waiting for for months at the Tri-Service). Ultrasound confirmed a severe case of PSA with strongly constricted bladder. Operation was scheduled right the next Monday - chose laser surgery. I opted to have the surgery at the Chung-Shan hospital with the same doctor, as that was a cheaper option. As usual it took about 8 weeks for the benefits of the operation to kick in although the basic functionality was fine directly after the procedure.
In retrospective there was a fundamental difference between the unprofessional and unhelpful treatment at the Tri-Service hospital NeiHu and the professional and patient-focused treatment at Ruentex/Chung-Chan. Being giggled at and hearing to “imagine” the symptoms at the Tri-Service was a downright nightmarish experience and other patients should be warned. This was not the first bad experience I made at the Tri-Service.
Hell I had fantasies about peeing on the office door (or leg) of those moronic doctors at the Tri-Service after I got fixed a the other clinics. 
Ruentex/Shu Tien clinic next to Daan-Park:
Chung-Shan hospital:
And if you want to be giggled at: Tri-Service Hospial NeiHu (yeah, toilet problems of patients are damned funny, right? :discodance: )