If you don’t like it, go home? I believe that is what people used to say to chinese immigrants to my country who didn’t like the food.
I think the correct answer to that is ‘fuck off, I live here.’
In a world where capital and jobs go wherever it serves them to go, the concept of living in the same place until you die is absurd. The world economy doesn’t really observe national or ethnic boundaries any more, and we as individuals can’t afford to let them govern us either.
We are each of us just as international as any big corporation you care to name. We are free to bitch about any stupid or backward aspect of Taiwan or Taiwanese society that we wish. We are equally free to criticise our ‘own’ cultures, or those of other people. Why? Because they are all aspects of the one world in which we live. We are not defined by our race or nationality, although they do have a lot of influence still.
The point of my original post was not that people shouldn’t be critical of inadequacies in the world about them, nor was it an invitation to start yet another discussion about the ways in which Taiwan is different. The point was that foreigners generally tend to identify themselves, individually, as being part of some mythical perfect culture and identify Taiwan and Taiwanese as being somebody and somewhere else.
‘We’ are really no different or better than ‘them’, because we are also them and we are all imperfect. Criticisms should not be levelled at Taiwan or Taiwanese, or at foreigners. They should be directed towards the individuals concerned, without using your idealised vision of the place you came from as a benchmark.
But I have to rely to this:
[quote]Complaining is okay, but it is not okay to
-Choose to live in the Taichung (Taizhong) area and complain about the omnipresence of Taiwanese mafia and ignorant drivers.[/quote]
If you come from, for instance, an area of LA dominated by drug-related gang violence and escape from that by taking a job in TaiZhong then why would you have no right to be unhappy if you find your life being affected by the presence of gangsters? (I have no idea if this really happens, I’m just responding to the post above.) Should you just turn around and go back to the crackheads in a neighbourhood where all the jobs have been outsourced to Asia? Or should you keep on wandering the earth in search of perfection? That doesn’t exist, so you might as well make the most of being where you are for as long as you can bear it. But that doesn’t mean that you have to just shut up and accept that ‘we do things differently here.’ Change doesn’t happen if people just eat shit. That’s why there are so many chinese restaurants in other countries these days.