US 'obliged to defend' contested Senkaku Islands

[quote=“eschatos1”]Hi guys,
The Daioyu/Senkaku fight inerests me too, actually.
It would have been an interesting issue even if I were at home, but now that I live within the eyesight of this funny cluster of rocks, it became WAY MORE INTERESTING :s
The China-Japan struggle is a point but I am curious to know, if the crisis worsen is there any possible involvement fro Taiwan, too? I mean, the islands are just in the Formosa’s backyard and looks difficult to think, in case of military clash, a change of situation for Taiwan. Often the subjects and the objects of an international dispute are not those clearly visible to the public, and perhaps the enhanced presence of Chinese military forces in the South China sea are also meant as an advice for Taiwanese independence.
What’s your opinion?[/quote]

Any posturing of China towards the Senkaku islands is aimed at Taiwan. If Senkaku isn’t so close to Taiwan, frankly China wouldn’t even bother. I mean those two countries are cooperating over the equally disputed Tonghai, and develop oil fields there, there is absolutely no reason why they cannot cooperate over Senkaku, except for an excuse to fly and sail military planes and ships close to Taiwan.

It is interesting that China would deliberately fly their war planes into an air space which they clearly do have have control over, and then yell at the Japanese for being naive to use the US for expansionism. Basically it’s the same old black is white, deer is a horse crap that the Chinese always pull. They’re ready for a war, they just want to look good to themselves going in.

As far as it seems, this “we don’t want to make war” warlike situation is a kind of resettling of the long time dispute beetween the Japanese empire and China. As to say, now, after 70 years if we put our countries on a test, shall Japan be the big boy in the region, or is it China’s turn.
Yes but, in the middle it is still Taiwan, a newcomer. I am not saying we’re in danger, but, if China wins a possible war, this is turning out to be a message to Japan, USA and Taiwan and surely China can not make a conflict end “even”, especially now. :fume:

So apparently China is now training its ships’ weapons on Japanese ships. That’s worrisome.

This whole situation as I see it really has little to do with Taiwan, despite hansioux’s belief to the contrary. Before Japan actually nationalized the Diaoyutais, China would routinely make comments and threats over both the East China Sea (Diaoyutais) and South China Sea. Half a year ago, analysts said that two most likely flash points that could lead to armed conflict in East Asia were those two areas, even though the South China Sea issue is almost completely unrelated to Taiwan. China is very bossy about its territory, has bad blood with Japan, and doesn’t like when people “傷害中國人的感情,” and that is why it is being so insistent about the Diaoyutais. Beijing is smart enough not to risk turning Taiwanese public opinion against it when the KMT has only a tenuous grip on power.

Taiwan needs to stay out of this fracas. President MA has the USA all concerned with involving Taiwan at this point.

The Red Chinese are like (at best) the Tiger in LIfe of Pi . We are stuck in the same boat with them but we need to not get eaten.

STay out of the Red China / Japan conflict over the stupid senkakus is what i say to TAiwan.

I disagree. The diaoyutais are important not just for resources but because they are every country’s backyard. If China got the Diaoyutais, nothing would prevent them from positioning military vessels right at the gates of Taiwan and Japan. It would mean that China and Japan would be practically sharing s border, and thats likely to worry the US, as well.

Stanton warned that ‘status quo’ is changing. The new thing in this event is Su-27. Is this just reactionary to the fishery agreement recently signed by Japan and Ma-administration? This fishery agreement is a big step because it signals Japan’s sovereign power over Senkaku and Ma-administration 's concurrence. Is flying Su-27 over the island a new style of barking or that PRC decides to bite? As a humble conspiracy theoretist I quietly hope to see some real air fights in the near future, say next week? :sunglasses:

Senkaku jurisdiction just reconfirmed by newly appointed US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

How dare they acknowledge the illegal claims to the sacred territory of the motherland?* Retake the Tiaoyutai!

*Motherland being, of course, the Republic of China.

I’m fine with giving up claims of the Senkaku islands, it belongs to the Ryukyu islands, and the Ryukyu should reunite with Taiwan as a greater Austronesian republic, thus making the Senkaku apart of that republic again.