USA and gun control

Guns don’t make you free. Voting and keeping a democracy what it is through voting makes you free. I don’t buy into this “guns make you free” crap for one second.

When was the last time you used a gun to vote a person into office? When was the last time you used a gun to vote a law into affect? Never.

There are nonviolent options.
I don’t give a rats ass about your guns.
I care about lives.

Arming teachers and having prisons for schools is not the solution. It is only a bandaid and a weak one at that. It is a bandaid that can cause infection! The only thing that will cure this illness is to change the collective mind of society. It can be done.

Oh yeah, I love this. Keep an eye on this young guy.

Exactly! Not sure how effective arming teachers would be in reducing mass shootings at schools, but it would do wonders for classroom discipline. Dance, Johnny, dance!

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Here you go. This.

The thing is, we can improve security in schools, improve treatment of mental health problems, improve police and reporting procedures, etc., and make it harder or impossible to acquire excessively dangerous classes of weapons, all at the same time. None of them are mutually exclusive and we should be doing any or all of them.



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Since you guys like stats so much, can someone tell me how many armed forced retired vets we have in the US education system? Ex cops? Maybe there is a percentage of the people on ROTC who go into education? Those Trump mentioned as potential gun carrying candidates. I’d be a bit concerned about PTSD but at least these people have some training…but so do those cops who tend to shoot darker skin fellows. Mmm…and most of these shooters are not…mmm…

Regarding the police, it seems they were more focused on “Diversity Training”, “De-escalation Training” and “Sensitivity Training” than they were on “Active Shooter Training”.

  1. I have interviewed over a dozen Broward County Sheriff officers. The last time they held an “active shooter training” drill was 2006.
  2. Broward County Sheriff Department officer 10+ years of duty:
    “Diversity Training” four times.
    “De-escalation Training” three times.
    “Sensitivity Training” three times.
    “Active Shooter Training” - None since 2006.

Democracy is not some magic pixie dust you can sprinkle all over and fix everything. It’s a fragile arrangement that needs defending from its many enemies.

You want a stable democracy, the first thing you need to democratize is the power to enforce. This is common sense.

It seems these days they’re most focused on “Not Getting My Own Ass Shot Up At Any Price” training.

But I’m not talking about this case. I’m assuming the cup had a handgun. There’s no doubt this guy failed to do his duty and was fired appropriately. But going up against a guy with a semi automatic weapon alone with a handgun would have been a heroic act in its own right. I wouldn’t hang him. I’m far more concerned about the cops who seem to think it’s appropriate to shoot when there is the slightest hint of risk of personal danger.

Whatever dude.
You go have fun playing with your guns.
Living in an imaginary world where the boogey man is out to take away your democracy. Your way of thinking is part of the problem. The human race needs to evolve into something better and less violent. Unfortunately, the Earth is populated with gun hoarding wackos.

Take away the big guns, restrict the capacity of cartriges, have better social help at schools, reduce the class sizes so teachers can really know and connect with students, secure the schools…no more open campuses and weed out the mentally unstable and dangerous red flag students and give them help.

But for the love of God, dont arm teachers and put guns into schools.

Heroism is supposed to be their job.

A well trained and heroic first responder with a handgun is a match for a mentally defective kid with an armalite and an attitude. The outcome is not guaranteed, but he has a better than even chance.

Now, give me two or three such good guys with handguns, and the kid is toast.

Guns don’t kill people. Aim and tactics kill people. Either that, or a target rich environment. It’s a bad idea to have all the potential victims together and unarmed in a confined space. The kid was shooting fish in a barrel.

Dude, the guns are already in the schools, and only the crazies have them.

Who’s in the dream world?

Im am so sick of hearing this.

You fucking go tell those exact words to every single parent that lost a child in the Florida shooting. Go tell them to their face that guns dont kill.

This way of thinking is sick in the mind.

You’re going to keep hearing this, from more and more people. Whatcha gonna do about it?

No they are not.
The actual number of shootings is very low compared to the number of schools. The vast majority of schools dont have this problem. The guns come from home, from mom and dad who just had to have a gun. Or bought legally, as inthe case of Florida. If he did not have access to that gun, those kids would still be alive today.


Oh. Well, no problem then. No need to grab any guns. The kids are all all right.

Guns don’t kill people. Scott Israel and his ilk kill people.

And if this keeps up, we’ll see what a whole lot of pitchforks can do.

I am pretty sure that you could have killed more than 17 people with a handgun, not even semi automatic, than this loser.
The point that most people here are trying to make is, that a mentally disturbed loser, who hits rock bottom shouldn’t be able to access a gun this easily.
If he had had his act together, he could have finished his high-school in the first place.
Of course, someone very capable can perform an elaborate plan and come up with some ingenious DIY to kill many students, but this takes what this guy most likely doesn’t have. His very problem in the first place.

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You took my words out of context. Nice.

There obviously is a problem. Arming teachers is not the solution. It just adds fuel to the fire.

Restrict gun ownership to hand guns and basic hunting riffles. Everything else is off the table. Crack down on the black market sale of guns. Stop selling guns to teenagers.

Good people turn into bad people. That is where bad people come from. Arm everyone and you just arm every fucking bad person there ever will be. It makes no sense.

People kill people.
Guns kill people.
Bullets kill people.
A semi automatic kills a hell of a lot of people quickly.

We cant fix people overnight.
We can fix access to mass killing machines and make it harder on the crazies to do shit like this.

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