USA bank stocks, one went up 80% in a day

Ok. Best strategy: in an up market, buy low sell high. In a down market, short the stock, sell high buy low. And beat the matket everytime. Good luck.

Are you a cheerleader, or just selling something? If the latter, get to it, because your clichés are entry level first floor information desk suggestions.


clichĂ©s or not, it’s the best strategy.

Buy low sell high is your best strategy? Ok man. You do you.

Easier said than done, I sold off my regional USA banks with 25% gains, got buy low part ok, but this week they gone even higher than when sold off haha (my basic ideas was banks under valued due to panic from few bad banks), seems banks going to pre panic prices

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That’s partially my point. Buy low, sell high is a strategy derived from an Eddie Murphy movie in the 1980s.

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What is this movie, maybe made before I was made? Anyways I will try be happy with the gains I got (which is good!), but still think what if I still had the stocks
, at least I still have some Taiwan bank stocks (booring)

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yes old, he looks so young haha

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The bank stocks are very high, sold most but still have some in ZION, good i started USA stocks this year

well some maybe, but i hope most of what I does not