USA-Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs

Reaching deep into where the sun does not shine…0bama creates another bureaucracy. A redundant bureaucracy with powers yet to be defined…the best kind for his masters.

Executive Order: Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs

History repeating itself?
“Prelude to War” (ca. 1943) 2/6

or this…

Obama is black. That’s funny.

City-folk be damned.

If you can’t shoot or milk a cow, what good are you?

Probably gonna bust your door down and check your carbon usage.

The cartoon was about Pelosi.

She is not 0bama.

Just like Barak the Magic Negro. Republican jokes may not be racist, but it takes a lot of explaining to convince people.

When all else fails…play the race card!

That’s supposed to be Pelosi too TC?

Games -
REread the corresponding post.

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]Obama is black. That’s funny.

Unprecedented mockery! I’ve never seen the like. I’m outraged!

You don’t see the difference?
The Obama cartoon was insulting to black people. (We know it was about Pelosi, nudge nudge.)
The Bush cartoons were insulting to monkeys.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Reaching deep into where the sun does not shine…President Obama creates another bureaucracy. A redundant bureaucracy with powers yet to be defined…the best kind for his masters.

Executive Order: Establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs

History repeating itself?
“Prelude to War” (ca. 1943) 2/6

or this…[/quote]

Good grief! Do you actually believe this shit, or is it, as I would optimistically like to believe, merely some weird payback for the crap hurled at Bush? I only ask because given your posting history, it is of course entirely plausible you would believe this, lock, stock and two smoking barrels. Then again, if you don’t believe this shit, you’re a flagrant trolling piece of dog do.

Which is it? Nutter or troll?


You don’t see the difference?
The Obama cartoon was insulting to black people. (We know it was about Pelosi, nudge nudge.)[/quote]

I honestly don’t see the connection with black people. Italians have traditionally been called ‘monkeys’ for decades, and have been associated with monkeys for well over a hundred years:

[quote=“Monkey Tricks”]“You sell-a de a monk-a?”
“How Mooch-a?”
“Twenty -five dollars.”
“Diavolo! Twenty-five-a peasters! Me-a give you a seven doll-a! You rob a poor Itala! No, no. Eight doll-a. Hey?”
“No, sir. Twenty-five dollars or nothing. You can’t dicker with me. I have only one price for my animals.”

The speakers were Guiseppe Falieri, an Italian who had recently arrived in this city, and Mr. Reiche, the animal importer of New York. The Italian was one of those fortunate sons of Italy who arrive in this country with a little money. Among the poorer classes of Italians, those who immigrate to this country with just enough money to pay for their passage hare out as laborers on railroads, aqueducts, and so forth. Those who have a little more money buy a push cart, or a peanut stand. But the Italian who is fortunate enough to possess $100 invests in a hand organ and a ring tailed monkey. The purchase of this outfit is a serious undertaking to the man interested. He consults all his friends and asks their advice, especially in the selection of the monkey.[/quote]

Sure African Americans have been associated with apes ever since Darwin really gave that ball a good push, but in this case the author of the bill was indisputably Pelosi, not Obama. It’s a tabloid rag for goodness’ sake. They’re notorious for stupidity. In this case I would grant them sufficient semblance of intelligence to be drawing a crude connection between the recently deceased chimp and Pelosi, but nothing more sophisticated than that.

England’s Royal Family has to put up with their mockery and lunacy every year, and they don’t have any recourse whatsoever other than a dignified silence. Politicians are fair game for every kind of insult the public can devise, however stupid.When you live in a country which champions free speech, this is going to happen. I can assure you there’s plenty of this in Australia, and if a politician complains about it they are publicly pilloried.

Ah, now you have a point.

Another poor misunderstood Republican charged with being racist, resigns.