USA now vs. 1950's

The US in my opinion is starting to become like the Soviet Union back in the 50s where people snitch on each other and there are confidential informants and secret police, all designed to keep the people in line.

And the coming economic meltdown is going to make the US exactly like USSR in the 50s.

The worst thing is since the US is the leader of the “free” world they can declare anyone a criminal for refusing to follow their leadership, and be able to extradite anyone from any country, regardless of your citizenship.

Truly scary times.

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with the subtle difference that people tried to escape the soviet union, where as people still wait in line to get into the usa :slight_smile:

The difference isn’t subtle. Productive, successful people want out because they see the writing on the wall and millions of uneducated, unskilled poor are swarming in to pick the carcass clean.

I think a more apt title for this discussion would be Escape From the U.S.S.A.

Top 10 destinations for American emigration
1, Ecuador (???, though I did have an American friend who emigrated there in the late 80s)
6.New Zealand
8. Panama

If you are a convicted felon in the USA, the best thing you can do for yourself is to emigrate (if it is legal to do so, and if the destination country doesn’t care).

America is vicious on felons. Whether it’s for some check fraud or regulatory offense, you are seen as the same as a murderer or sex offender when anyone hears the word “felony”. You are shut out of many jobs, housing, and there are many systematic and legal discrimination against you. If you are the subject of any criminal investigations you are always seen as guilty regardless of any mitigating circumstances. There are many laws to ensure that if you were to slip even a little bit you will go back to prison, and laws are written in such a way that if you do go back to prison it will be for a long time, even for the pettiest of offense.

It is no accident that America has the highest prison population in the world.

I have heard of felons who have said they will emigrate to Mexico as soon as they can. Some will even skip out on parole to do this. Because if you are under parole it’s 100x worse.