Confirming earlier decisions, The USA Supreme Court again confirms that racial discrimination is in violation of US laws.
[quote]Supreme Court rejects school race plans
By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer Thu Jun 28, 11:12 AM ET
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected diversity plans in two major school districts that take race into account in assigning students but left the door open for using race in limited circumstances. … ls_race_11[/quote]
Yes, finally the whites can stop pretending to be black to get favorable treatment…
One has to be very careful with claims of racial discrimination. For example, discriminating on the grounds someone is a dickwitted ignorant clod prone to oozing ludicrous statements should never be confused with the incidental factor of them being Chinese. 
Perhaps a little more discrimination should have been used in making this sentence. 
[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]One has to be very careful with claims of racial discrimination. For example, discriminating on the grounds someone is a dickwitted ignorant clod prone to oozing ludicrous statements should never be confused with the incidental factor of them being Chinese. 
HG[/quote]…or even pretending to be Chinese.
Basically if one believes society in America is equal in all aspects for all races, then repeal affirmative action and in this case busing.
But this is more about the fact Bush put a conservative on the bench, then about how far America has come in terms of race relationship.