Usage of the word "America"

You may well not do it, but BS it aint. Always said that - once I learned how to read a map, understood there are other countries besides the USA, and learned that the Americas, before colonization, were full of Americans and lots of us ain’t them.

So, no BS. I say it’s more right than another way. Travelled a lot, but I don’t know this one: Does a Mongolian call himself an Asian? A Frenchman European - or an Egyptian African?

A fair number of Americans call themselves Africans.

They didn’t call themselves Americans…that’s the name people decided to use. Proving how illogical you’re being.

It’s been said before, but it bears repeating. “America” is used as shorthand for “United States of America.” It’s a nickname that’s stuck and doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. It also helps that there aren’t any other countries out there that call themselves “America.” You can, of course, try to change the language to fit your worldview. But I seriously doubt “US American” is going to become a thing.

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Hey, nothing wrong with trying. People should stand up for what they believe in.

Yeah, since the late 18th century. I guess it’s here to stay?

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Not if @noWhiners has his way. Maybe he can, like, start a petition or something. Stranger things have happened.

Good luck correcting this in other languages.

Even in Chinese, the US is called 美國 and US citizens called 美國人.

While the continent of north and South America are called 南美洲 and 北美洲.

Yeah, I’m sure upending hundreds of years of usage by people in their own language about their own country will be a piece of cake.

In Italian, north and South America are called Nord America and Sud America. US citizens are called Americano. The coffee is named Americano for how American GIs used to drink it when they came to Italy.

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And then we have 美利堅合眾國, with the 美利堅 being translated directly from “American.”

Lofty goals are the only goals worth pursuing?

Changes may need to be made to a number of problematic old films. But in the interests of equity and geographic justice, the results are sure to be worth it.


“Rick’s Café US Américain” does kind of have a nice ring to it.

Language is for communication. It’s plainly obvious American is understood globally in the English language to describe a US citizen.

What people call each other and themselves have always be rather strange and somewhat illogical. In the UK, Indians are called Asians while in the US Asians specifically describe East Asians. Are they both correct? Yes of course because they are understood and accepted.

If you want to talk about how illogical maps are, Europe and Asia are really 1 continent. A Frenchman and a Mongol are technically both Eurasian.

Well, it is, and has been, a ‘thing’, and probably always will be. It doesn’t bother me much. People say lots of stuff without really thinking about it too much - or reading too much into it.

Ultimately, I’m a happy camper because I got to stimulate open discussion in this unregulated conspiratorial right wing extremist public forum. :hugs:

Hate to nitpick, but it’s just basically a rehash of a discussion that’s already been had.

You’re not the only one who can read a map…

This sounds like virtue signaling by trying to change language to me.

Wait - this isn’t the ‘We shouldn’t have public forums because I disagree with some of the posts’ thread anymore…

I was trying to loop back to the original thread; going for sarcastic irony points - sorry

Hey, nothing wrong with rehashing. Just didn’t want you to think you were doing something original.

yea, I don’t I don’t understand - I don’t know what you mean to tell me. (?)

The sentence you quoted begins with ‘people’. You could substitute that with ‘we’. Or everybody, even us Americans. We all do that now and again.