I’m looking for a used netbook or similarly light-weight laptop somewhere in Taipei. Does anyone know of a [legit] store where I can get one or have one to sell? Also, how much should a used one cost?
I’m looking for a used netbook or similarly light-weight laptop somewhere in Taipei. Does anyone know of a [legit] store where I can get one or have one to sell? Also, how much should a used one cost?
Individuals, not stores, are your most likely source for these, I’d think, and the cost would vary with model, age and condition. Talk to someone like Nam at Nationwide Computers, and he can probably source you one from one of his clients who is upgrading and give you an idea of the fair value. www.nationwide.com.tw 0926 763 664
There’s are a couple of shops on the main road of computer shops by the computer market that tend to sell used notebooks, not sure about netbooks though, no real re-sell value in them. You can get a brand new one for under NT$8k these days…
Awesome, thanks! I e-mailed nationwide to ask.
Where is the district with the used computer stores? Also, why is there no re-sell value in netbooks; is it because they are not built to last? And where can I get a new one for under $8000? I’ve seen ones that go for closer to $10,000.
Probably not because no resale value, its just that prices declined quite fast.
For example, a bit over a year ago (here in the USA) i got my asus netbook for about 399 plus tax and now they are going for 288 plus tax for a model with better specs. IF I wanted to sell my netbook , what can i expect to sell it for? If new ones were still 399 plus tax, maybe I could sell it for 288 ? But with new ones at 288 I would have to sell mine for about 150 dollars? And at that rate, most people would rather just keep it or give it away to a relative/friend.
Similar pricing situ exists in Taiwan I would imagine.
Uhm, would you as a shop owner re-sell a second hand computer that is not only already outdated by the time you buy it, but is also severely under powered, but also wouldn’t be able to retail for more than NT$2-3k because new models are so cheap in the first place. It just doesn’t make a lot of sense for a shop to buy something like that in the first place and most people wouldn’t be willing to sell them to the shop for what, NT$1k?
BenQ and Asus both offer models on sale for NT$7999 and they’re not really old models either
shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item … 4Z&ROWNO=2
Shit, pay NT$1k more and you even get a “free” camera shopping.pchome.com.tw/?mod=item … 4Z&ROWNO=1
The computer market is located here maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=25.0 … 7&t=h&z=18 where the big green patch of land is, as Google maps haven’t been updated for a while. The road with all the 3C shops is the road I’m talking about though, as there are a couple of shops there that sell second hand stuff, but I don’t think you’ll find something that cheap there. That said, a few of them also sell out older models on the cheap there that are still practically brand new.
Just keep in mind that you get what you pay for and netbooks are shit if you want to do anything the least bit productive beyond using them as a simple type writer.
I will add that most netbooks are not really useful if you plan to do a lot of typing. I know my asus sucks in that respect. I have since learned that for me a 14inch notebook is bout the right size and the smallest I should go.
I mostly use my netbook like a desktop and use it at home. Rarely taking it out.
I have it connected to a 19 inch screen, external keyboard, external speakers, external mouse.
so yeah i got me a system that works welll enough for my needs and if needed i can take it travelling.