Useful online maps of Taipei and Taiwan

Online map of Taipei City (in English or Chinese):

Taipei County (Chinese only):

Taiwan (Chinese only):


Google maps has gotten pretty good. It shows bus stops and other points of interest.

[quote=“lbksig”]Google maps has gotten pretty good. It shows bus stops and other points of interest.[/quote]

Google maps rock hard! English and Chinese names, copy Chinese addresses from websites and paste them into the google map search, to and from with en route modifiable journey planners (just drag the route line to any detour you want to take) with distance and time calculations, create an account and make your own place mark that you can then copy a link to post to your friends. And for those on motorcycles you can specify highway avoidance routes.

Google maps I’ve always relied on … what I find though is it does a very poor job of understanding Taiwan addresses, in two pretty common situations:

  1. It has no knowledge of the two alternate spellings of many common streets (e.g., Dunhua and Tun Hwa)
  2. It seems to have no concept of lanes that share a street name with a nearby street

So when I search something like the Zhongshan Sports center ( 2 Zhong Shan N. Rd. Sec. 2 Lane 44) Google Maps is clueless, it can’t find it.

Is there any online map system that has a better understanding of Taiwan addresses?