I told my boss I would like to go home in July for a 4 week vacation. She said this would be a breach of contract and that I would have to repay my training wages (32,000). My contract is silent on this matter.
I only teach 7 hours a week, and it was easy for me to find a sub willing to cover for me and come in a few weeks early for training (at my expense). My boss refused allow a sub. I told her I’d teach an extra 4 weeks longer than my original contract. She refused.
I’m afraid my boss is being uncooperative because she WANTS me to breach… By the time July arrives, I will have taught 10 months. I only teach 7 hours per week, so I won’t generate a lot of income for her in those last two months. But if she can get me to break the contract, she thinks she can get 32,000.
I would like to claim that I am not breaching the contract. Since my contact doesn’t say anything about vacations.
Alternatively, I would like to claim that 32,000 is unreasonable, since I will have worked 10/12 of my contract before going home (and am willing to work another 1/12) after I come back.
Has anyone else been in a similar position? How did it turn out?
Finally, from other posts, I’ve read that a boss cannot refuse to pay you money you’ve earned. Does this mean I can tell my boss I plan to quit two weeks before my plane leaves and that I will come in to pick up all my salary the day before I take off? What if I walk in the day before I leave and she just refuses to pay me, claiming I owe her money?