Venting about Taiwan & Venting about Venting

This spin off thread was started because I stated that just simply complaining to a bunch of likeminded foreigners on Forumosa is futile. This isn’t totally true, as Newton points out, “for every action there is an equal and oposite reaction” (minus entropy of course), but the reaction here on Forumosa is what is futile. I want to see people rattle their sabres and organize some campaigns or causes. Foreigners are allowed to due these things here in Taiwan, but ideally organizing the Taiwanese or joining an Taiwanese organization for said cause is even better. This is how you really make change.

Otherwise stick your gripes in the [url=Pet Peeves peeve thread[/url] and hope someone else makes the effort.


If what you mean is “This is Taiwan, don’t even try” than i’ve heard that plenty of times. The reality is, people are going to continue to get irritated and post their ‘peeve’ on forumosa for the same 15 people to go “hear hear” and that is what it is. No greatness has ever been achieved in our world with lame effort and forfeiture*.

*Not totally true: the French are in fact credited with winning WWII by following the previous stated course.