VICE Show on Taiwan Organized Gangs

A whole lot of nothing.

The video is apparently not available to watch in Taiwan.


Probably because the show VICE is available on local Taiwan TV and they don’t want competition

I hate region restricted videos. So much for a free internet. I was actually interested in watching that…


Strange though because I’ve watched a bunch of their stuff on youtube. Maybe it is too recent an episode.

Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything. @tango42 summed it up pretty well. The video is entirely devoid of any actual information about organized crime in Taiwan. Vice is a joke.


Yes actually it’s quite bizarre. They show few minutes of some street fights and then an extended period on some gambling with people with fake money why are showing quick flash pictures of temples and people with tattoos. It’s mostly pretty lame same thing that teenagers could be doing.

VICE, an edgy investigative show that usually gets out there, failed on this one.

They’ve done some good mini documentaries, and they’ve done some real flops. Depends on the team and the topic. Haven’t watched anything they’ve done the past couple years, so maybe they’ve gotten worse? :man_shrugging:

They’ve definitely gotten worse. Most of the stuff they put out these days is sensationalized crap with zero effort put into the “investigative” part. Apparently this one was done by a team sent over by Vice Japan, so no wonder there was no depth to the story.

For anybody to do a show like this in Taiwan who actually lives in Taiwan would be quite …Challenging.

i guess the closest are eddie huangs shows in taiwan. which are all pretty annoying. he hasn’t failed to talk about pro china shite in every one of them…

There’s no in depth stuff because you can easily end up 6 feet under, very dangerous and of course many are connected to local governments.
But their culture is pretty fascinating as many groom their members through local temples .

You won’t find anything meaning about organised come in Taiwan on TV…They are too into business and as odd as it is to say this they aren’t so egotistically dumb like western street gangs to need the attention. They’ll buy a Royce for attention before they ever speak to a camera. Anyone with half a brain would also.

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Way too connected to everything.
You will see the old shootouts from the 90s but nothing resembling investigative reporting .

In fact that’s the same for almost everything in Taiwan , but investigating gangsters directly could be even more dangerous.

I probably shouldn’t say this, but apparently my wife’s cousin is a gangster. I met him a couple times and it rings true for reasons I don’t feel comfortable going into here. Nice guy though. (Well, to me. I’m sure not to others)

Aren’t you forgetting someone rather prominent?

You mean white wolf ? He has backing of the PRC and parts of the KMT which is really messed up…I guess they are waiting on him to get old and croak it they prosecuted his son anyway.

Due to the nature of my work, I am working on an article and it kinda suits itself to a little explanation of the background of gangs and gang members in Taiwan. Not my fault, it is originally part of the source material -a tv series- and they play a large part in the plot.

However, after a brief search I do find the topic pricky enough to warrant a second thought, plus there is practically nothing on the current state of affairs.

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which tv series?

interesting articles btw