Two weekends in a row have had the police arrive, first a hideous huge trap clamped around my dogs paw, this weekend, came home to find that some sick &^attacked my BLIND dog!!!
First time around, the cops were super. Second go round…less than stellar. Three friends with far better chinese skills than I, came to help sort out the matter…The police, were most unwilling to DO anything let alone write a report! [ Like I am to be surprised right?] “Just a dog” " It’s the aboriginals, you know how they are…"
NOT…".let’s go ask the neighbors if they saw or heard anything?"…oh noooo…not That!
BUT…at the strong persistence of my friend…and the simple fact that she went right up to the other houses and ASKED…dragged the police derriers into action…sort of.
They tried unsuccessfully to bugger off.
The trap was purely assinine, as people walk in these areas. Near the mountains, lovely…and of course the farms here and there. It took two men with two crow bars and two women straining to get the damn thing off his paw! Nothing they can do. [ I know] But reporting and acknowleding that something is amiss would be a start at any rate, but how to start anything when the first line of defense shrugs …“it’s the way it IS, you know that.”<---- I DO know that…But…There are LAWS…for a reason. These traps are illegal for a Reason. People can get caught in them too. <— Keep your dog on a leash. Don’t let them run. All is well. [I know] but there are too many for leashes, and I run in the same places they do! It could have been me!
The other lovely act of malice, purely revolting…and pretty certain of the source…makes my blood boil!..but no proof. Still want that damn report though!
Rambling…Venting…basically pretty PO’d and very sad for Mia, as she is BLIND and could not run away, as she is scared to even walk…GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR…Sometimes…Well…kept the trap…so it may get some proper use yet.
SoulDragoN, I can relate and hope you and your dogs get some form of justice despite the useless authorities. Several years ago my dog’s back leg got snared in an animal trap. We were just on the trail when I heard this EEE-OOOWWWW-AAANNGGGGGG!!! Scared the Sh!t out of me. I could not remove the damn thing and we both just kept screaming in pain. The worst part was him looking at me like DO SOMETHING! and I couldn’t get it off. He’s just a little guy, about 4 kilos.
First farmer actually made it worse while it kept squeezing the life out of him. Finally found some bloke at a Chicken House who knew how to do it. I wish I kept the evil piece, but I was in such a rush to get him to emergency treatment it completely slipped my mind. Fortunately, he got treated in time to prevent permanent damage. He couldn’t walk on it for a few weeks, but eventually it healed. Although once in a while he still limps on it several years later.
All I can think is EVIL!!! Same with the acts of malice. Too much going on. Stupid senseless evil punks! :fume:
We need to outlaw these (if they’re not already) and insist that the laws are implemented and those found guilty of laying traps prosecuted accordingly.
[quote=“Stray Dog”]We need to outlaw these (if they’re not already) and insist that the laws are implemented and those found guilty of laying traps prosecuted accordingly.[/quote]They sell them in every hardware store here in Kaohsiung for about 50NT a pop. They are like miniature bear traps. I tried arming one, then triggering it with a stick, and I can assure you that they are powerful enough to break a bone.
Not quite illegal to buy these things just yet… :s
I went to help out SoulDragoN both last night and last week after her dogs were hurt/ attacked. What has happened is awful. Mia, who was attacked last night, is blind, as the OP stated. In fact, all her animals are handicapped in one way or another. They are small, harmless little creatures, some of whom cannot even walk more than a few feet at a time.
The police last week were very helpful and if it hadn’t been for them, we would not have been able to remove the trap on Bear’s leg. Last night was another story altogether. It took almost a half hour to convince them to even enter the house to look at the dog. The lead officer was more concerned with immediately demanding her passport and wanting to take pictures of her. I was able to convince him that that could be taken of later but it was almost another half hour before he would look in her back yard to see the damage created.
What has made this situation even more outrageous are the aspects below:
This assault occurred inside her fenced in back yard. The offender had to climb a wall to enter the premises.
Her water pipes were smashed and flooded her yard, so that she has had to shut off her main water from the street. Now she has no water.
Laundry detergent was poured all over the property.
Mia was hit over the head with a long handled dustpan so hard that it broke in two.
Police refused to :
a) question neighbours until we directly went to the nieghbours ourselves, forcing them to follow through.
b) complete a report. A phone call made to a friendly Foreign Affairs Officer did eventually get around that (hopefully) and SoulDragoN will try to follow up with with the police station tomorrow.
c) The Foreign Affairs Officer also asked the police officers to make periodic drive- bys throughout the night, which to the best of our knowledge they did not do.
Through talking to the neighbours we found out that one of them has had three dogs stolen in the last few months and one dog stabbed and slashed. Again, in fenced in private property. They have not though, had vandalism to the their property. They now lock their dogs into large cages to protect them at night and when they are not at home.
Because this assault and vandalism has taken place inside the confines of her property it has put her personal safety at risk. We have a very strong suspicion of who has been doing this nasty stuff but have no proof. She will now have to move to a safer location. Today is moving day to temporary quarters until she finds a new home.
I sometimes wish for the 'ole days, when criminals were pilloried. Just imagine the fun that could be had if the coward who attacked the dog was fastened to a sturdy pole. Preferably one of those with room for the neck and arms.
Seriously though, doesn’t reading about what happened to the dog just make your blood boil?
Man, that is just f*ckin outrageous! I really pity you SoulDragoN. I’ve had dickhead gangster neighbors who made a lot of noise during sleeping hours whereas my landlord was cool and filed a police report. It didn’t work and I decided to move. Guess what, after I moved, my former landlord told me they moved as well. WTF! But, I’ve never had personal attacks. That is way out of line. I hope those punks get what they deserve. And kudos on your looking after your dogs. It takes a special breed to have the heart too look after the handicapped and then you all get this treatment.
What a crock. I hope things change for the better soon.
[quote=“totallytika”]I went to help out SoulDragoN both last night and last week after her dogs were hurt/ attacked. What has happened is awful. Mia, who was attacked last night, is blind, as the OP stated. In fact, all her animals are handicapped in one way or another. They are small, harmless little creatures, some of whom cannot even walk more than a few feet at a time.
The police last week were very helpful and if it hadn’t been for them, we would not have been able to remove the trap on Bear’s leg. Last night was another story altogether. It took almost a half hour to convince them to even enter the house to look at the dog. The lead officer was more concerned with immediately demanding her passport and wanting to take pictures of her. I was able to convince him that that could be taken of later but it was almost another half hour before he would look in her back yard to see the damage created.
What has made this situation even more outrageous are the aspects below:
This assault occurred inside her fenced in back yard. The offender had to climb a wall to enter the premises.
Her water pipes were smashed and flooded her yard, so that she has had to shut off her main water from the street. Now she has no water.
Laundry detergent was poured all over the property.
Mia was hit over the head with a long handled dustpan so hard that it broke in two.
Police refused to :
a) question neighbours until we directly went to the nieghbours ourselves, forcing them to follow through.
b) complete a report. A phone call made to a friendly Foreign Affairs Officer did eventually get around that (hopefully) and SoulDragoN will try to follow up with with the police station tomorrow.
c) The Foreign Affairs Officer also asked the police officers to make periodic drive- bys throughout the night, which to the best of our knowledge they did not do.
Through talking to the neighbours we found out that one of them has had three dogs stolen in the last few months and one dog stabbed and slashed. Again, in fenced in private property. They have not though, had vandalism to the their property. They now lock their dogs into large cages to protect them at night and when they are not at home.
Because this assault and vandalism has taken place inside the confines of her property it has put her personal safety at risk. We have a very strong suspicion of who has been doing this nasty stuff but have no proof. She will now have to move to a safer location. Today is moving day to temporary quarters until she finds a new home.
What a shitty deal. Yes, this makes my blood boil. :fume:
I wish you all the best at your new location, and I hope you can find a good one in a timely fashion.
Thank you for the good wishes…am holed up and showered thanks to totallytika and the generous help, time and patience of another kind gentleman.
The dogs are safe now…but breaks my heart right now, the wonderful lady who is caring for them at her no kill shelter was told today that the landlord wants to sell the land she is on. She has been renting for the past 10+ years. The place is a country club for dogs.
The dogs and their well being are her passion. A more dedicated person I have never met. Single handedly she does it all and she is 60+ years old.
Know of any large corporations looking for a huge tax right off?
100+ unwanted pooches and a beautiful soul could use the help.