But this was so enjoyable, I have to post an indirect link. You don’t have to be a lover of cute kitty things to enjoy this one. Even cat haters will enjoy it.
When my eldest one was a kitten my friend was takin a piss and she got into her attack stance, ran full speed into the bathroom wanting to attack his penis but she fell in the toilet and he pissed all over her and she was too small to climb out. Hilarious!
On the same forum there’s one that’s funny but in a different way. Its in the first post and the lame ass replies are just as funny…
Edit Just noticed that this is the Pets Forum - this post just does not belong here - sorry to the mods, I wasn’t paying attention. But then again the participants are no better than our furry friends, so perhaps they come under the ‘other animals’ category…
Ha ha! That would be. Where’s your camera when you need it? Damn. Ok, 914, just in case it happens again, please be sure to tape all your friends during similar situations…
[quote=“Stray Dog”]Thanks for sharing your pet vid with us, roach.
How much do you feed them every week?![/quote]
A six pack of coors and a family sized pack of potato chips a day. That’s each. Its a bit expensive but the little darlings are worth it.