Wednesday Taipei Times: “MOFA spokesperson David Wang yesterday pointed out that the government had pushed hard for Taiwanese citizens to obtain preferential treatment allowing them to travel visa-free to the US and Canada for up to 90 days.”
Why doesn’t MOFA show some leadership on this issue and first grant visa-free travel to Taiwan for Canadian and US citizens?
While they’re at it, they could also recipricate on American and Canadian policies that allow Taiwanese to maintain dual citizenship.
It would be nice, after a decade living in Taiwan to actually have some rights here.; to not live in fear of being deported if I lose my cool at the airport or participate in a public protest. Why should I have to give up my Canadian passport to have these rights?
Who’s pushing hard for North Americans rights in Taiwan?
Thanks for the correction Taffy. I really should wait until after noon before posting, when my brain is working properly.
I see this topic has been picked up in Visa & Residency [Why is Taiwan asking to be in the US visa-waiver program?
On your point about dual citizenship - I agree - it would be nice if MOFA adopted a similar policy to Western nations on the matter. However, as this would result in a tens of thousands of SE Asian spouses applying for citizenship, I doubt they’d be all that willing to implement such a step.
There’s also the military service requirement to consider, for men. They could make dual citizenship as easy as pie and still many under-40s men would not apply, due to that regulation.
[quote=“Taffy”]On your point about dual citizenship - I agree - it would be nice if MOFA adopted a similar policy to Western nations on the matter. However, as this would result in a tens of thousands of SE Asian spouses applying for citizenship, I doubt they’d be all that willing to implement such a step.
There’s also the military service requirement to consider, for men. They could make dual citizenship as easy as pie and still many under-40s men would not apply, due to that regulation.[/quote]
REciprocal. I dont think the South East Asians allow that do they? Taiwanese dont really go and get South East Asian citizenship do they? Except maybe SINGAPORE , and thats not the same as they are mostly Chinese ethnically.
Many people have been pushing for many years. The problems are that we are all pushing in different directions and remain divided.
I have been forced to to give up because of my new born daughter’s health problems. I believe Richard Hartzell has been pursing a very effective appraoch to this problem.