Voting rights in 有限公司 company structure

In Taiwan, the most common company structures are 有限公司(Limited) and 股份有限公司(Limited by shares)

股份有限公司 seems to be quite straightforward - you divide invested capital by shares and your voting weight depends on your shareholding.

有限公司 doesn’t have shares. The voting rights are either by proportional capital invested OR every shareholder gets 1 vote regardless of the capital invested.

Take a scenario, if I found a company and put a capital of 1,000,000NT$ and in 5 years grow a company to a good scale (eg. annual revenue over 100M) and get an investment of 10,000,000NT$. Does that mean the investor now has 10x more votes than me, the founder?

How do you structure a limited company so that the new capital injection has voting rights proportional to firms’ valuation?