Wack Things in Taiwan 2022

Mr Donut and 21 have collaborated to make a donut fried chicken burger


I read that the FDA allows a certain percentage of insects/parts in rice/flour/grains because it’s impossible to completely eliminate them.

Think about that anytime you eat any rice/bread/cornbread.


Maybe not wack but isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

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Cheap drinks in taiwan= extra protein ( bugs) or racist jokes


How would they know cash doesn’t belong to you?

Asking for a fiend.

Basically if it isn’t yours, and you found it in something that you recently acquired (for example, given, or whatever), then you must assume that it belonged to whoever had the item. Therefore it is your duty to take it to the police (if you are unable to track down whoever owned it) where they will inventory the item and attempt to find the owner, and if no one claims it after a set time, then you are entitled to it.

Otherwise if you just keep it and not tell anyone, but the previous owner found that you kept it, then you will be criminally liable for it. Given how much CCTV there is around here it wouldn’t be hard to be tracked down.

Yes that goes for finding a check, a bar of gold, jewelry, etc. on the street. You can’t keep them, have to take it to the police for them to try to find the owner.

As for proving ownership… I imagine it is on the previous owner to prove ownership…

Is this the correct translation?
Q: Why do black people like to eat white chocolate?
A: They’re afraid of biting their fingers [which might be more likely if they were eating dark chocolate which is similar in color to their skin].


Yes is correct


Wheelchairs at 50km/h


Need for speed, Abei deluxe edition:


They want everyone policing each other.

When the sidewalks are useless might as well turn yourself into a road vehicle. He is cruising along pretty good there though.


Here’s one for your consideration.

Wonder what these guys are trafficking.



serious horsepower! wot da fock they up to?

Atta boy, Taiwan!

Do your own damn thing. Tell the rest of the world to go to hell.

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Wonder how commonplace it is to see these things, one comment suggesting it looks like a classic Chinese smuggler boat called a 大飛. One suggestion was it could be this, but the boat doesn’t look big enough:

Really amazing how Taiwan kept out COVID for so long lol

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Trying the online tax filing. While entering my income:

:golf: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Is this meant as ‘working as a golf caddy’ or ‘waylaying golf caddies and relieving them of their money’?

All that effort to smuggle two beamers from the 90’s. Cars are really way too expensive here.

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Maybe it’s an euphemism for bribes: A suitcase full of money someone left “in the golf caddy” for you. Which would still be taxable, of course!


KMT can’t stop choosing their “best” candidates :sweat_smile: