Hi! I’m looking for a kitten in adoption! I really don’t want to buy one in a pet shop, I’m against buying pets, I prefer to adopt one, I’ve been looking in the street but haven’t found yet but a kitten not and old cat it’s very difficult to get along with old cats, I rather to raise a little kitten as my baby
If anybody knows of someone please let me know!
Hi irnk, and thanks for wanting to adopt a kitten! Please do have patience, as there are usually kittens available for adoption. In just a few hours, days or weeks, I’m sure someone will have one for you. Stay tuned!
Thanks a lot! my husband and I we have talked a lot about this, it’s a very important decision! and we are gonna be so happy to find a baby for us!
Stay tuned! I have no doubt that someone from Animals Taiwan or the SPCA will be in contact with you shortly after reading this post. And thank you!
Yep Animals Taiwan has two kittens up for adoptions, please call 02-28338820 to come and visit them.
Irnk, see the above post and this one too.
Having been through this, here’s a word of advice: under 10 weeks of age, a feral kitten is as almost as easy to tame as a kitten born to a socialized cat, but after 10 weeks of age they become progressively harder to tame. At about 4-5 months of age they get set in their wild ways and may never become acceptably domesticated animals.
Unless you have a LOT of time and and patience, do not try to adopt an older feral kitten, because it’s gonna be painful for both of you. Try to get one under 10 weeks of age that has been captured in a litter along with the mother, because they offer the best prospects for domestication.
To give you some idea of what you will face, I got a 3-month-old feral kitten from a shelter, and it took another 3 months until he would even let me touch him. Those 3 months were filled with bites, scratches, hissing and heartbreak but it was ultimately worth it …
I’m going to add my own word of caution-
a friend of mine adopted several kittens from the shelter, and all but the last one succumbed to a strange, wobbly legged disease which the local vets (Yilan) seemed to have no cure for. (the last one fell ill with the same symptoms but somehow made it.)
I had one die on me too. It was pretty devastating, watching her die after visiting 3 vets, feeding her sugar water by hand every hour, and basically watching her waste away anyways.
Animals Taiwan probably knows their stuff, so maybe they can help prevent this.
Actually, on another note, anyone know what this disease is and what to do about it? The cats start walking all wobbly like they’re drunk. Several internet searches only uncovered another disease that isn’t fatal and tends to strike adult cats.
I wouldn’t discount older kitties- I adopted my cat who’s around 3 years old, and she is literally the BEST FREAKING CAT IN THE WORLD!!! Seriously can’t tell you how much I love her. This is how she likes to sleep
I got all of my animals (3 dogs 1 cat) as adults and they meshed right into my household as if they have always been there.
Best of luck and thank you for your awesome decision not to get from a pet store! :bravo: You rock and I hope you and your baby will have a long and happy life together!
Hello everybody! thanks a lot for your responses!!! But It seems I have to wait a little bit longer for adopting my kitten, We have to leave Taiwan for a couple of months soon, so we decided to wait until coming back we don’t want to leave our cat and sounds complicated to travel with, so we are going to wait after our trip
thanks to all of you and sonner i’ll be asking for your help again!