War grave experts exhume bodies of 100 sled dogs killed by tour operator in Canada


dailymail.co.uk/news/article … -dogs.html

Can’t you just paste the link so that people can CHOOSE to click on it or not? That post really upset me.

And please supply some original content.

[quote=“jimipresley”]Can’t you just paste the link so that people can CHOOSE to click on it or not? That post really upset me.

And please supply some original content.[/quote]
You’re the mod. Edit that post right quick. If I want to read about sick fucks I’ll visit Rotten.com, thanks.

Why the fuck was the employee awarded compensation? He was complicit in it. It’s not like anyone held a gun to his head or his child’s head. He didn’t stop to think that there might be something wrong with killing 100 healthy animals, which is why the vet refused to do it? What a fucking moron.

I can not believe this. I am speechless. I think I need to see a shrink now. Thank goodness I am already seeing one. Now I have something to talk about in my next session. That is nothing short of totally :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: 6-21-3-11-5-4 up


dailymail.co.uk/news/article … -dogs.html[/quote]
This posting of animal abuse stories without warnings has happened many times before for example “the ducks farmed for pate’”. That may have been your post too. Put a warning on these things please (again). This has got nothing to do with animals in Taiwan or anything relevant to most posters on this site.
I could post hundreds of pics of animal abuse stories in the UK. Have some thought for the feelings of others before posting up these kind of horror stories on a public forum.

Credit where its due. Pretty serious (and expensive) response from the Canadian authorities.

Unsure about the vets moral position though. The need to dispose of surplus livestock must unavoidably arise from time to time (not necessarily in this case, but possibly).

Shouldn’t professional services to ensure this is done humanely be available?