Not buying it.
What do you mean testing. They will go around testing people?
I’m telling you that all known cathiniones will likely soon be tested for in addition to Krstom. If you don’t want to believe me well…
I don’t know exactly who will get tested , that depends on the law and enforcement.
Why bother test for things that an infinitesimal amount of people are actually using, such as kratom. Who’s getting drug tested anyway? Remote, remote possibilities
There are routines screens for up to 900 drugs in five minutes. That doesn’t mean that all samples will be tested for them, only when there is suspicion or a prior drug positive that needs confirmation .
Even if they pull a bunch of people in a club or whatever, they’re not going to to that. They’ll just test for the things the vast majority of people are likely to be doing.
A lot of folks were importing these substances by mail and the government is cracking down on it. Same with the synthetic cannabinoids and mets. So I guess if they suspect you are importing it illegally they will drug test you also, and they specifically will sceen for the designer drugs , which is a trend worldwide.
Maybe, but when they want to do a blood test they will screen hundreds of drugs.
I don’t think they can legally test you for things for no reason. If they get you for cocaine, they will test for cocaine. Anything else is not admissible for court. They have to specify what they are testing for and why.
Yes usually that is correct. However I’m guessing they can open a new case if they want to. The screening for designer drugs is related to suspicion of importation of drugs , identifying the unknown substances . Once these drugs are scheduled then they will obviously test people as well.
Kids are selling this stuff in schools as well. So they can get a handle on it. This is not a joke , they are powerful drugs. It’s important to now what kind of drug people are taking especially if they overdose .
JYeah, Taiwan does a shit job at that, I don’t think they know what to do during a Od. I had a ER doctor tell me he’s never heard of OxyContin/oxycodone. And he’s the ER doctor on duty at a major hospital. Basically you would die coming in for a OD from opiates because he doesn’t know what naloxone/narcan is to save a person from OD.
How about offer some damn rehabs with the money it takes to enforce a law that will be broken no matter what.
In the past, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine and club drugs such as ketamine and MDMA were the most commonly used illegal drugs, but now substances such as MDPV and mephedrone that contain cathinone – so-called “bath salts” – that are packaged in coffee bags or disguised as candies or fruit jellies have made their way into all quarters of life, Tu said.
Illicit drug use is a thorny issue in Taiwan. The mixed use of illegal drugs has become ever-more serious and has taken a heavy toll on users, according to experts.
They keep saying this. There’s posters in schools and on military bases about drugs being in like tea bags and candy. I’ve yet to see any. Seems like a lot of effort and just a scare tactic. Like parents being afraid of people giving kids drugs on Halloween
I woke up from surgery screaming for pain killer. The nurse gave me some paper on NSAIDs and I screamed it wasn’t strong enough. Luckily, the doctor who performed the surgery was nearby and approved a shot of demerol (DiMo, or something like that) and there was a doctor on hand most of the times I needed something following. That was good stuff, I was flying on it.
Apparently, while coming out of anesthesia, I mistook a surgery nurse for my wife and called her baby.
The ER docs are mostly interns for cuts and bruises and to help old folks when something hurts. If there’s anything they can’t do, they wake up the attending physician or call on on-call doc to take care of a special case like an OD.
Sorry if this is obvious, but does that mean it is indeed illegal now, or that it is being discussed?
I saw on there were still people selling kratom, but I would want to be absolutely 100% sure. I have used it in the past with great results, but of course I’d want to be 100% certain about legality and not trust google translate.
Kratom is already listed as a controlled drug, but not yet as a narcotic drug.
Iiuc, if they have applied to the FDA for registration and obtained controlled drugs registration license, it is still legal. If not, illegal.
Huh, so controlled but not narcotic? So bringing with you when you travel here or ordering it form overseas would probably still be illegal then I’d assume?
If it’s controlled, wouldn’t that mean it has a schedule of I-IV?
Sorry for so many questions, at this point I’m pretty much expecting that it’s just not going to be an option anymore, but I’d like to learn as much as I can about what’s going on here. (side note: also curious as to what their argument for controlling it is, I mean it makes you relaxed sure, but it really doesn’t have recreational value or even get you halfway close to what people would describe as “being high”)
Kratom is lidted schedule 3 in Controlled Drugs Act.
The revised list of category 3 narcotics in Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act has not been effective yet.
some death attributed to kratom, i think.
Maybe I am blind but I do not see it listed here.
Surely if it is controlled you should be able to apply for a licence to import it say. I am willing to bet this is impossible though. I imagine if you were caught you could be fined for not having a licence, which is impossible to get.
It’s a shame the geriatric fuddy duddy legislators have to exist to make everything illegal. I’m sure they need to justify their existence and budget somehow.
Oh well let’s all get on the harmless SSRI’s and benzodiazepines that they hand out like candy and unite in our contempt of the lowly criminals who wish to use CBD oil or kratom to treat their ills.