WCIF Chinese translations for Anglophone author names and titles?

I sometimes need to find the Chinese translations/transliterations of Anglophone authors and novels. For the more famous stuff, eslite’s website will often work for me, but does anyone know better sources for this? For example, I’ve managed to figure out that the Chinese for Cormac McCarthy is 戈馬克.麥卡錫, but I haven’t yet found the Chinese for Blood Meridian.

How about library site?

Btw, Blood Meridian is 血色子午線?

Thanks - yeah, that’s the translation I’ve found for it. Annoyingly, I’ve found a couple of versions of Cormac McCarthy, perhaps because Taiwan and China use different forms?

So far on that library site I haven’t found ways to see both the Chinese and English, but I’ve been using university library sites with some success.

If I search by famous author’s English name, I usually get some Chinese translated books, so can know Chinese name of the author.

If you don’t mind to check each page for each author, Wikipedia might be useful.

Mainland chinese site?

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Thanks - that one seems good for better-known authors.