WCIF Controller for original Xbox?

I’m losing my mind trying to find these.
All the stores sell 360 gear now and as you know they don’t have room for the old stuff!
I’d love to find some here in Taiwan, but could have someone bring me some from the US if needed.
Surely there are some original Xbox controllers in Taiwan!
The S-type would be awesome… but I’d even consider some knockoffs for temporary use until I can find some good ones.
I’ve checked all the electronic/game shops in my area that I can find/know of… that would be Ankeng and Yunghe… as well as Nova (next to Taipei main station). I could have missed some, but I’ve really looked hard.

Anyone know if they have them out on Bade Road?

I really need 2 as we love to play 4 at a time and one controller is already shot and another one is almost useless.
Thanks for the help with this.

the shilin night market definitely has them, but my directions might be a bit crap. there are two dodgy videogame stores that are really fronts for massive amounts of piracy just near the temple and shoe store. sorry if that is a bit vague, but i dont know any street names. good luck!

I’m sure you could find them in the underground mall by Taipei Main.
There’s big section under there that is all video games stores, some of them specializing in older systems.

oh yeah, go where josefus said. that place is crazy with videogames and is way easier to find. josefus! josefus!

Thanks for the help! Good idea about the underground mall by the train station. I know the place and remember (now) seeing video game stores in there.
I really appreciate the tip… do do my kids!
Our original Xbox is still tons of fun!

i think the only place where you’ll find them is on yahoo bid taiwan.

turns out that 5566 is probably right.
I went to the underground mall yesterday and dodged the kids and breakdancers and went to every game shop in the place and after they (each and every one) laughed in my face after my request… finally found a promising shop… I saw a PS1 and a gamecube in the window… it was all OLD stuff…

But he didn’t have original xbox controllers either. If ANY place had them it would be this place and he was out and couldn’t get any himself. He’s taken to selling a converter so you can use PS2 controllers with the Xbox. Maybe not a bad option for me, but he’s all out of those at this time, too. At least I found someone else who believes that the old Xbox isn’t worthless! It was fun talking with the lao ban about the mods and all that will keep the Xbox part of my system for a long time.

I’ll see about a friend bringing some from the USA in a few weeks, but maybe that PS2 converter would be best for the long term. Although I like the Xbox controllers more… probably just what I’m used to.

Anyway… thanks for all the help. At least now I feel like I’ve really looked as best as I can and know to look for other solutions.

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