WCIF Crème Fraîche?

I’ve been looking for crème fraîche everywhere. Has anyone seen this French product in or around Taipei? Is there a French speciality store here?


PS I’ve found ready-made pâte brisèe at Carrefour, for those who enjoy making tartes salèes

You can find it at City Super, in the basement of the new Sogo (corner of Jong Shiao and Fu Xing).
Which careefour did you find the pate brisee?

[quote=“igorveni”]You can find it at City Super, in the basement of the new Sogo (corner of Jong Shiao and Fuxing).
Which careefour did you find the Pate (Bade) brisee?[/quote]

Thanks. I didn’t see it there, and that’s my main “hypermarche”, but I’ll check again…

I found the pâte brisèe at the Carrefour on Dongxing Rd near the Breeze Center, but I’ll bet it’s at all the others. I think Carrefour woke up and realized that people want to buy French products!

I’ve tried to find crème fraîche as well, sawit at Jason’s at one stage, but it was something like NT$200 for a small jar. I tried making my own at one stage, mixing fresh cream and sour cream and leaving it out for 24h. Worked ok the first time, but the second time it didn’t work out for some reason. You’re best of getting sour cream in Costco as it’s a lot cheaper there if you want to try yourself, same goes for cream, which is about half the price there compared to Carrefour. You can replace crème fraîche with sour cream in some stuff, but as you most likely know, sour cream can’t be whipped, nor does it take heat very well. Let me know if you find some for a reasonable price.

You need to be sure that the beasties are still alive … they need to start the souring process … dead culture doesn’t do much good …