WCIF high-power/commercial microwaves?

I’m not joking, those microwaves they use at 7-11 are really macrowave, they’re not only cooking stuff in 30 seconds that home microwaves need several minutes to cook, but they heat much more evenly. I found it on shopee, but it’s expensive. 12,000 for a hand me down and 32,000 for a new one.

Do they make high power microwaves that don’t cost so much?

Save the 32,000 NT and just go to one of the 7-Eleven’s that have self service microwaves, and put whatever you want in it. The staff usually don’t care.

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It depends.

I’m also pretty sure they will care if you microwave grape halves.

You have access to a high power microwave and use that to cook grape halves???

Google it, it does weird stuff.

Why would you need a commercial microwave? How much time do you spend in your busy life microwaving stuff?

I assume (might be wrong) that you’re not intending to sit at home microwaving grape halves? :thinking:

Just so you know, it’s called a microwave because it uses microwave radiation, not because it’s small or slow.

A macrowave would be something else, and it looks to be a commercially available product combining an air fryer and microwaves.

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I would consider taking that bet^^ at least the siting at home part^^

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You’re not getting it…

What is the point of filming a TV? Why not just upload the video?

I couldn’t find it

Make it as dumb and irrelevant as the content?

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I’m not getting why you’d need a commercial microwave, no… it seems a waste of mental energy to be worrying about this. :thinking:

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I think, the content is funny, but less funny when its blurry or weirdly filmed^^

It turns out (from reading the product description for Panasonic NE1853 it has microwaves coming from both the top and bottom. With home microwaves I’ve often overcooked food on top while the bottom remains ice cold. You never get this with those commercial microwaves. I’ve resorted to flipping food over but that can’t always work.

I hate it being weirdly filmed but I couldn’t find the episode on YouTube. I hope it’s not because of copyright. I’ll update it whenever I get home if I can find a better filmed version.

This is a macrowave.

I haven’t watched it yet because I’m on the MRT (with no TPass :scream:), but will take a look later when I get home.

I assume you’re exaggerating, but I’ve never had this problem, even when using old microwaves as a kid in the 1980s. If you’ve really had this problem “often”, I’m tempted to suspect it’s user error.

I suspect it’s not. I think it’s probably a microwave where somebody has written “macro wave” in the YouTube thumbnail as a joke/clickbait.


Here’s a better filmed version.