Taster’s carries a small selection of U.S. junk food, the store being directly south of the Taipei American School in Tianmu. Perhaps they’ll have what you’re looking for.
Ok, it might not be what you wanted, but if you run down to Carrefour right now, you might be lucky and find some tootsie rolls, they had a bunch of different kinds in the one here in Taoyuan anyhow and they also had bags of mixed hershey’s chocolate, the plain, crunchy, dark and something else as well as hershey’s almond bars.
Good luck
Marks & Spencer in Taipei has a chocolate bar that is 99% like a Mars bar!!! I just found this out this evening. I already thought the illustration on the packaging was sooo similar to Mars, so I had to try.
They are of the Marks & Spencer brand in orange brown wrapping similar to Mars. On it is written “milk chocolate caramel”. 39nt$, 55g. My prayers have been heard…