nice they have this now. goes good with the mueslix from welcome.
Nice, but does it have tuna and corn in it?
Yeah, they have ‘unsweetened’ yoghurt for ages in Taiwan but it doesn’t taste like yoghurt … and ‘high’ quality milk was there also for a long time …
But what does it taste like? Truthfully, I’m not at all sure. I’ve tried it only once because it tasted so strange, but I’m still not sure what it does taste like. Ideas?
strangely enough it tastes like yogurt to me, though in a strange drinkable form, perfect with the cereal though.
you obviously never had real yoghurt …
lol ok. must be really good, that real yogurt!
Hey Tempo Gain, I haven’t tried their yoghurt, but I sure like their milk. It’s the only brand I’ve found here that tastes anything like “real” milk to me. In fact, I think I started a thread about it a while back. If I can find the link, I’ll post it here.
EDIT: Hmm… sorry, here’s the link: … highlight=
and I guess it’s “Premium Quality”, not “High Quality Milk”. My bad.
beligian, imagine my dismay when I first bought some yogurt here at great expense and attempted to make a Turkish style cucumber-garlic dip with it.
Blech! Only the garbage can ate a large amount of it, because I sure wasn’t going to.
I did a similar mistake with something I thought was cream in a savoury sauce… It went down the sink as the cream was pre-sweetened…
So does anyone know where I can get plain jogurt that hasn’t had loads of
sugar and sweeteners added?
Jasons in Taipei.
Jes, there’s jogurt at Yasons. et-gay t-iay?
ok thanks! Do you know of any places in Taoyuan city by any chance?
Can’t help you with Taoyuan yoghurt but also in Taipei, Trinity Stores (the Indian Grocery, dry goods supply place) near Taipei City Hall MRT (search Forumosa for specific address) also sell plain yoghurt, perhaps in largish tubs so that the whole family can cool their taste buds after mouthfuls of scintillating curry.
most health food shops sell real, active culture,natural set yoghurt …usually it is sold with 3 small containers shrink wrapped together with strawberry jam in sachets and plastic spoons…it used to sell for NT$90 and recently the price increased to $100.
I use one small container of store bought yoghurt…smear it with the back of a spoon on the botton and sides of the (aluminum) container that fits inside your rice cooker… slowly pour in 1 ~ 2 litres of milk, then lightly stir in the remainder of the yoghurt, leave the rice cooker on for 8 ~10 hours, remove the container while still hot and place in the refridgerator, eat when cooled, though it’s best if you wait a day…when about a cup’s worth remains in the container repeat the above with more milk.
well…that’s the short version…there’s a bit of a knack to it…it didn’t always set properly for me at first, but now I always make a good batch…practice makes perfect! clean and dry…that’s the secret
…use the best milk available, …I’ve recently had great results with the new high temp short pastueriztion milk that’s sold at Wellcome supermarkets now, don’t use low fat milk as it doesn’t taste as good, make sure the inside of the rice cooker and the spoon is clean and dry, make sure not to disturb the yoghurt when moving it from the cooker to the fridge and don’t slam the fridge door (important!), make sure the refridgerator does not contain uncovered cut lemons as these will affect the yoghurt, place an upturned plate over the yoghurt in the fridge to cover it, spoon, not tip the water each day that builds up in with the yoghurt (don’t tip the container and pour out the water out the water in the first 24 hours or more as this will affect the texture)…always use a clean spoon when dishing it out…after about 2 ~ 3 days the yoghurt thickens and really improves in taste and texture (and any water that builds up can be poured out)
I eat yoghurt everyday…milk is meant for baby cows…yoghurt is for humans…it makes you healthy from the inside! a search on google, it’s one of the healthiest natural foods we can eat!..there’s hundreds of ways to eat it…try adding finely chopped garlic, chilli powder to yoghurt as side dish…eat it with seasonal fruit…with finely chopped cucumber…make a real Lassi…or just by itself each morning …etc etc
Happy Yoghurting!
this is my first post !..jar-yo!
Lots of places (supermarkets, convenience stores) have non-sweetened live drinking yoghurt in plastic bottles. I can’t read the company name in Chinese but it says “High Quality” on the bottle. There are different kinds – sweetened, sweetened and flavoured, and non-sweetened. The non-sweetened one is the one with the characters
(wu2tang2 – without sugar).
I get through a lot of it, though the taste isn’t as nice as really decent live yoghurt.
I used to buy sachets of culture for making “kefir” – a kind of fermented milk, pretty much like thin yoghurt. Health food shops stock them. You empty a sachet into a litre of room-temperature milk, stir or shake it in, then leave for a day or two.
Ya… convenience stores sell nice yogurt. Look for the wu2tang2 (no sugar) on it like joesax says.
Lots of places (supermarkets, convenience stores) have non-sweetened live drinking yoghurt in plastic bottles
true…but as you know, that’s not real yoghurt anymore than a Patpong ladyman is a real woman or a McD’s chicken nugget is real chicken…the so called “yoghurt” you are talking about is a drink that resembles liqiud yoghurt but has none of the benefits of real active culture yoghurt.
and the “yoghurt” sold at Wellcome, Carrefour and 7-11 is not real yoghurt either.
I haven’t tried using it, but I doubt either of the above would work for making your own yoghurt.
if you want to make quality yoghurt yourself, use real yoghurt…if that’s not for you then buy real yoghurt from health food stores that are quite common around Taipei…there’s on Roosevelt road opposite the TaiPower building …and there’s another health food shop on ChungHwa Road sec 2 inbetween Nanhai road and Ningpo west road…I think the brand of natural yoghurt they sell is called “Colbys” …but don’t quote me on that.