WCIF Organic beef?

Yes, I know, I shouldn’t even say it, but…

I already found organic pork, Taiwan made by the way. Organic eggs, organic veggies… how about organic beef? If anyone see it, please let me know.

If I’m not mistaken, Jason’s 101 sells organic beef.

Where do you find organic pork?

I am clueless. Ya. I know. Many agree. What the hell is “organic beef or pork”? Is it pigs and cows that eat only vegetables? It sounds that way, but on the other hand, where I come from, pigs eat garbage from the table, icluding an occasional meat scrap, as they do here. Cattle eat grass on the range. Now, am I missing something? Hell, I can sell “organic hamburgers” and that means what? My meat, last seen as cows, ate what? My pigs didn’t get the left over milk, chicken leftovers over table scraps that we used to feed them? Organic? What the fuck? Ditch your shoes, your belt, your makeup and any hope of a nutricious diet. Go vegan. Good on 'em but I’ll have a steak please and leave my shoes where they are please. Extra HP sauce please.

Well, Enigma put it a little more strongly than I would have but I also wanted to know, exactly what makes pork/beef organic? How is the use of the ‘organic’ label regulated here?

I wish I could go Vegan. I really, really, REALLY wish I could. I’ve tried three times. Well, four, if you count when I was a kid and my favorite little bull was slaughtered. I don’t want to eat them–but, damn, they taste so good!

And, anyway, I don’t understand the “organic” business either. Is not a cow, pig, or ear of corn an ORGANism and, therefore, organic as in “orginal life?”

The food the animals eat are pesicide free but also the important factor is that the animals are not given any growth hormones.

That’s what I thought… sorta the same thing with organic milk, I’m guessing. (correct me if I’m wrong)

Are they still raised like this?

That looks like a feed lot, where they’re fattened up before final shipping to a slaughter house. Most are still raised in smaller numbers on ranches by private cattlemen, then sent to the feed lot when they’re old enough.

Thanks for all the replies. Will check at Jason’s, Honeybird.

As Housecat, I flirt with vegetarianism…but some issues have me falling off the veggie-wagon more often than not. I try to buy organic, healthy stuff from reputable sources, since I have developed certain “problems” which are enhanced by hormone-enhanced foodstuffs, or food that upsets hormonal balance. For instance, I love soy milk and almost all kinds of tofu -chotofu being the exception-; however, I cannot indulge in them too much. Sopa!

Remember I told you guys about the organic pork sold at Geant? How the Dr. Super farm is ecologically set, and how piggies are kept in confortable conditions? I’m looking for something like that in beef.

I already found organic yogurt, which logically has to come from cows raised in a healthy way.

Back home, cows have plenty of space, wandering around open savannas. No stress … until the very end, of course.

I just stopped by Jason’s 101 and their Feb’08 flyer contains info on their organic offerings of meat, produce, rice, honey, dried fruits, nuts, wine, coffee. Here are some meat-related excerpts from the flyer:
-Australian Organic Beef
Australia is blessed with a non-polluted environment, making it excellent for raising cattle. To produce the best quality beef Australia offers cattle endless grasslands. These grasslands are maintained eco-friendly, without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
-US Natural Beef
In order to ensure the cattle is healthy all US natural beef needs to pass stringent quality tests, called the Naturewell Quality Assurance Program…US natural beef is also produced without the use of any hormones or antibiotics.

I bought some beef there before b/c it was on sale (I can’t remember if it was organic or not), but returned it when I found that the underside had turned color. Some may say that’s when it becomes more tender, but that’s just not fresh in my book. So you may want to ask the butcher to let you inspect the cuts before purchasing.

There is also a grocery store called KUMA on SongZhi Rd. that recently expanded a brand new section for organic products. Pretty well stocked with nice variety of products.