I just took a position here. Arrived Friday. I’m really missing internet access. I’ve got an internet cafe within easy walking distance, so I’m not crazy, but still…
Does anyone know anything about the “Free Public WiFi” network? I guess there is a password. I’ve got a good signal on my laptop, but can’t connect.
I looked for it, but even all the general stuff for internet access here had dead links.
[quote=“spitzig”]I just took a position here. Arrived Friday. I’m really missing internet access. I’ve got an internet cafe within easy walking distance, so I’m not crazy, but still…
Does anyone know anything about the “Free Public WiFi” network? I guess there is a password. I’ve got a good signal on my laptop, but can’t connect.[/quote]
What’s the name of that network? In Taipei we have got the WiFly network, but it’s not free so I rely on coffee shops when on the move.