"We are not gold diggers" - Vietnamese wife in Taiwan

Sorry, that’s not true.

Nobody has infinite dollars. Gold diggers fail to understand this,

Community property is almost as communist as it sounds.

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Even some of those government are gold diggers.

Wanting money is rational. Wanting all the money is insane. Lots of people are insane that way.

Some kills , lies, etc for that but a genuine heart cares about the well being of others. That happens so much in nigeria. The Nigerian government are gold diggers and a parasite too feeding on the people and embraces the rich. Then fluent the money outside the country. The youth can’t even boast of having a good life. The government are the real scammers and fraudsters.

The accusation is very rich. May I remind you all that the one killed in a staged accident, which took the lives of many innocent on a train and as she held in to life was poisoned inn the hospital by her hubby, was a SEA bride, and the screaming gold digger greedy hubby was Taiwanese…and that was the second or third time he performed such a crime…until he was caught.

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You’ve started with a statement that is a truism. After that you’ve failed to make sense.

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Yes, but it wasn’t just the husband. His brother was also involved!

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Is there a reason why they would plan such a detailed murder? Whatever happened to just plain old murder like dropping a radio in her bathtub?

Probably got the idea from a bootleg DVD.