It looks like rumor is sufficient to condemn in some corners.
Some background:
[i]"Separately, the Defense Department said yesterday that its controversial general counsel, William J. Haynes II, is stepping down. “I have valued his legal advice and enjoyed working with him,” Gates said in a statement. Haynes had been in the job since May 2001.
Senior military lawyers have clashed with Haynes frequently since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, especially regarding the handling of terrorism suspects at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Most recently, Air Force Col. Morris D. Davis, the former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, said that he would testify as a defense witness in the trial of the former driver for Osama bin Laden and that Haynes had stated that acquittals of suspects held at Guantanamo would make the United States look bad. Through a spokesman, Haynes denied making such a comment.
Haynes had been nominated twice by President Bush for a federal judgeship, but the White House withdrew his name in January 2007 in the face of Senate opposition. Haynes was seen as an ally of Vice President Cheney, having worked as the Army’s top lawyer when Cheney was defense secretary during the George H.W. Bush administration."[/i]
Wash Post - 26 Feb
[i]"Davis alleges, among other things, that Pentagon General Counsel William J. Haynes II said in August 2005 that any acquittals of terrorism suspects at Guantanamo would make the United States look bad, calling into question the fairness of the proceedings.
"He said, ‘We can’t have acquittals; we’ve got to have convictions,’ " Davis recalled.
A Pentagon spokesman, Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, denied that Haynes made such a comment. Gordon also denied the former prosecutor’s allegations of political interference, which he has repeated in newspaper opinion columns and in interviews in recent months."[/i]
LA Times - Guantanamo prosecutor turns defense witness - 22 Feb '08
[i]"Former Gitmo Prosecutor to Testify for Bin Laden’s Driver
Posted by Dan Slater
CampJustice Salim Hamdan — Osama bin Laden’s former driver got some pretty good news yesterday regarding his upcoming case. Gitmo’s former chief prosecutor will testify on Hamdan’s behalf. Here’s the story from LB colleague Jess Bravin.
In what Bravin describes as “another blow to the Bush administration,” Col. Morris Davis, who resigned in October in a dispute with Defense Department superiors, agreed to testify at an April 28 hearing at the request of Hamdan’s attorneys.
According to the report, Davis, although he criticizes the Pentagon’s refusal to rule out the use of evidence obtained through waterboarding, says his decision to testify doesn’t mean he plans to suggest that Hamdan is innocent. At a recent meeting with defense lawyers Davis said, “I’m more than happy to describe my observations of the process, but you probably don’t want me to testify on the guilt or innocence of your clients.”
In December, Davis was blocked from testifying that policy changes had left the military-commission system — which was set up to prosecute Gitmo prisoners for war crimes — open to improper political influence, including possible pressure to use information obtained through waterboarding.
One of Hamdan’s lawyers, Lieutenant Commander Brian Mizer, said that at Guantanamo, he expected Davis to testify about his discussions with Sens. John McCain (R., Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) during the drafting of the Military Commissions Act, and about the role played by William J. Haynes II, the Bush-appointed Pentagon general counsel. Cmdr. Mizer said he sought out Col. Davis after reading press accounts of his complaints. “It certainly was awkward,” he said. “This is our former foe in the courtroom.”[/i]
WSJ Law Blog
Architect of Bush’s Detainee Policies to Step Down
DOD general counsel Haynes announces resignation
Mr. Hayes has had considerable criticism from certain corners regarding his role in helping to draft the Defense Department’s detention and interrogation policies after Sept. 11.
I would guess that the unsubstantiated allegations regarding his statements has made him a person of interest in the mentioned hearings about Osamas driver.