[quote=“scchu”]So where is the so-called “WMD” now? Suckers!!!
To those who were pathetic enough to have believed the lies and misinformation Bush & Co. spreaded via American mass media, the lack of WMD discovery is just so in-your-face. And now they are trying to “focus” on the “reconstruction” of Iraq and undermining the whole purpose of going to war in Iraq (which was to find WMD and declare war on terror)… [/quote]
Funny, I don’t feel like a “sucker” at all. I was paying attention to Bush’s speeches from just after 911 until the invasion of Iraq. WMD was only one of the many reasons to go into Iraq. And even if they don’t find WMD, it was in our vital interest to ascertain once and for all what exactly the status was of Saddam’s WMD stockpiles and programs. To crow now that no actual WMD have been found, is IMO, simply looking for something to bash Bush with… the fact is, Saddam did have WMD and did use them in the past. He failed to account for all of the WMD and programs that he had and he played a shell game with the UN. While no WMD stockpiles have been found, per my understanding, the means to restart WMD programs have been uncovered. Only idiots fail to see the significance of this threat, coupled with leaving Saddam in power. IMO, the administration was wrong about the existence of WMD stockpiled in Iraq… and they perhaps should not have made some of the statements that were made.
However, along with some of those statements were also statements describing the Iraqi situation as a “growing” threat. Bush explicitly stated that we would not allow that threat to progress to the point where dealing with it would have been much more costly than dealing with it early was/is.
Its obvious to me that those who opposed the war on numerous raesons and dire predictions have latched on to this one aspect of Bush’s plan that hasn’t gone as planned. None of the other dire predictions voiced by the anti-war crowd have come true… None.
Thus, the only thing “pathetic”, IMO, is seeing some people grasping at something in a desperate attempt to discredit an astoundingly successful action.
These critics, now crowing about the failure to find WMD, (even though they warned before the war that US soldiers would be at risk of bio-chem attacks during the invasion… as one of their dire predictions) somehow believe that this failure completely discredits the invasion.
When I have argued that Saddam had so thoroughly violated the UNSC cease-fire resolution, and the 17 resolutions subsequent… I was not referring merely to his failure to immediately provide a comprehensive accounting of his WMD stockpiles and programs… no, the resolutions also called on Saddam to cease all human rights violations perpetrated against the Iraqi people.
Saddam obviously did not cease such HR violations, as mass graves and torture chambers have been discovered since the end of the invasion. Saddam also abused his power with respect to the oil for food and medicine program, also a matter of UNSC resolutions. But even after Saddam had been ousted, the UN was reluctant to end the oil for food/medicine program as several members administering the same were profiting from it.
No, it isn’t “pathetic” that some of us believed that there were WMD in Iraq… what is not only “pathetic”, and IMO, “disgusting”, is that some people have been bending over backward seeking a rationale for leaving the monster Saddam in power to abuse his own people and threaten the region and the US.
What are you talking about? Who’s the idiot? The matter has been the subject of news reports ever since the end of the invasion! May I suggest that you tune in.