Looking for a “special” software to fit my company’s new requirement and was wondering if you guys/gals can help me out.
We order a variety of organic foodstuffs and my boss wants to keep a sort of private “image repository” online that we can easily upload pictures of a specific item when we receive a new shipment from our suppliers. We would like to be then able to search our repository for that item by name or SKU and then instantly see all pictures pertaining to that item (including short descriptions) from prior shipments. The goal for all this is to provide QC so we can check the quality of each shipment against previous shipments from same/different suppliers as well as share this data with our branch offices (thus the need for internet)
I’ve toyed with wiki’s and also with image gallery scripts and they all do the job…sort of. Was wondering if there was a specific terminology for this type of application? Or anyone have any good suggestions?
Your definitely needing a database application, but I can’t think of anything that I could recommend, esp. as you’re looking for extensive background records… Some systems could be tweaked I guess… but is there an open source PHP database system that can be adapted, anyone?
I think this is roughly what they call Digital Asset Management, and sometimes charge astonishing sums for. But your needs are pretty simple. You could try Googling that, I guess.
Alternatively you could give me some money and I’ll make the thing you want, but historically such straightforward approaches are unpopular when computers are involved
yeah, a small database…that’s why I have been toying around with wiki’s and some modules for them. Digital asset management. Everytime I hear the words asset management $$$ starts flying…hehe. I will do some research on those terms. Can’t believe I couldn’t think of that term! Thanks!
Nice link! That looks like a pretty nice album program. Too bad he’s been too busy to further develop it but I’ll give it a try. Thank you!
Another part of the puzzle now is to find a good ISP.
I am looking for a good ISP either in Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong that supports PHP5 as well as mySQL. I can’t find any in TW with anything greater than php 4.3.2 and I really need PHP5 to run some of my apps =p. Would love one that has a decent pipe to America too (not critical but will have some clients accessing from the USA). Oh, and it has to be fast =P.