Wechat : I deleted it because I don't trust it

Used it for years. Just told my SH girlfriend to get fuxxed on it. Works wonderfully.

What’s this all about? How does it work?

I wouldn’t touch WeChat with a ten li pole. This is Taiwan, not China.

I use Facebook, LINE (kind of have to, because this is Taiwan), and WhatsApp (to keep in touch with a few non-Facebook luddites).

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ok, so Line is safe, Faceplant is safe, whatsapp is safe, google is safe… keep telling yourself that

Safer than commie WeChat, certainly.


Define ‘safer’

Is that crickets???

My wechat deleted me. Tried to log in and it was like ‘is this really you? Enter that password you forgot and have two friends confirm it’.

There is a Macdonalds restaurant in Shenzhen and the only form of payment acepted is wechat. And its always jammed.I went to the counter with cash and was laughed at like I was a visitor from a previous century, and I was sent packing, no burger for me.


Yea, you really need it in China. Lots of places only accept WeChat pay now. Even small mom and pop stalls for bubble tea and stuff. I have to say it is pretty convenient.

It’s pretty much necessary to have a social life in China as well.


Smells like teen spirit

If you’re feelin down, just tell yourself, “I am immortal”


and if you eat at that mcdonalds too often you lose citizen points and your life starts falling apart. you were lucky that you were turned away! things could have been a lot worse.


Yeah man complain that they didn’t add mayo and forget the cream for the coffee ?
That’s 10 points off right there. You’ll be stuck with KFC forever.

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and i’ve heard that china kfc is even worse than taiwans…

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I actually like China’s KFC lol. Each region has their own menu and taste. They failed hard first because they didn’t understand different provinces and regions have their own taste, but now they have different menus for different places. Also not just chicken. Lots of Asian options like rice lol.

The first time I heard of wechat was about 5 years ago. I was in wuhan and out drinking. Was helping my friend as his wingman and these girls wanted to exchange numbers and they asked for our wechat. You need it if you want to talk to Chinese ladies over there.

Yeah, when I get that hankering for fast food, I just have to have some rice. Yum!


I’d be afraid that it put a rootkit on your phone so when you delete it the tracking stays.

I’m not saying the app was tracking me I have no proof but I wanted to watch some Chinese videos online once and it insisted that I get the app. The data indicator went crazy even when videos weren’t playing and the phone got crazy warm. Deleted it fast.

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I love rice. I can’t function as a Asian person without rice. Rice noodles are also acceptable.

I have a rice cooker in my car. image