Weird Work Contract

Don’t discuss anything, run a mile from this employer.


I don’t think that is accuratein in all industries here , and for any decent employer that’s a big no no.

It may come off as ‘racist’ but this is absolutely true.
Lying and cheating is a very big part of business here and there are a huge number of unscrupulous employers. Many believe that if you are ‘winning’ they are ‘losing’ . I know, I’ve personally had the displeasure of knowing a bunch of them and seeing them in action . And I don’t mean just against me, but I saw and heard how they acted with other employees and also suppliers and customers and 'business partners.


To be fair though, it happens in every country to a certain extent. But, as foreigners, we’re often not prepared for how blatant it is and the silly pretend games you are expected to play.


If the OP is actually an English teacher, then he should and can find a much better paying job. Even where I work they screw their employees over, but definitely pay better.

Sucks employment is seen as a zero sum game. No wonder why employers pay so little here.


Not only employment but with business and business partners. I have many personal stories to back it up, I spent many many years working in Taiwanese companies and public organisations . So has my wife. A few good eggs, many greedy bsstards.


I concur they don’t do that with one or certain races. They do that with everyone. It’s sad but only employment law and mechanism for enforcement will slowly change this. It’s “blatant” bc it’s been happening for long. But again, I’m not a Taiwanese employment lawyer so who am I to say.

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You're a Good Man Charlie Brown


OP has said it’s not a teaching gig.

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Well, in that case, he should just get a teaching job. He might get screwed over but at least he’ll make more money.

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It’s not done in all industries or by most decent employers. It’s still fairly normal.

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