Welcome back!

The Segue Taiwan forums are back and upgraded to phpBB v. 2.0.3. While we were down, I figured it woudl be a good time to add in a couple of new features that our regular visitors mights like.

  1. New Forums: Health in Taiwan and Travel – We’ve spliced out some threads and “returned” two forums from the earliest days of the ORIENTED website.

  2. Topic Ratings: Certain forums allow Segue members to grade discussion threads on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 = highest). Other forums are restricted to ratings by the moderators

  3. Karma Transfers: Karma transactions are now publicly recorded. Expect some more modifications to this in the near future

  4. New Links list: a new section where Segue members can keep suggest and track of Taiwan-oriented websites

  5. New Front page: where one can see two-week’s worth of upcoming events in Taiwan and recent postings to the forums

  6. Post Reports Forum: (dubbed the Blue Sneetches forum) – where Segue members can log their critical views on posts throughout the forum

  7. New forum order: to help give some of our smaller and newer forums greater visibility

  8. Plus a whole bunch of minor features throughout

There are still some known bugs to stamp out, but you can help us out by identifying some of them in our Feedback and Announcement forum.

Welcome back to Segue :smiley:

This is all great.

Well done Gus on a great job.

Let me be the second to thank and congradulate you.

Truly kick-ass Gus! Thanks.

Nice to see Segue back on line, but thumbs down to the new front page. The page is fixed width and not everyone has such a big screen. Glancing through the HTML code, though, I can’t see why the width is fixed. I think it may be that if there is a very long unbroken string of characters in the text (e.g. a long URL), then the column in which that string occurs gets widened. Might there be a way to force a line break?

I like the new look.


Looks great