This video took my interest. The Libya campaign seems rather illegal to me. Well if not illegal then some what unfair considering what is going on in other Arab nations right now. Anyway here is the video and this guy seems to make some darn good points. OR does he? I am interested in hearing the views of the Forumosa experts on this vid on what he has to say.
Ze Germans, those crafty devils, perfected this splendid matter of a General Staff, wherein: upon proper funding, the study of war relating to current shituations is oft taken down to microscopic levels.
Laying out operational plans for more than several possible outcomes of any given political or military development is quite the standard fare. Very much like chess, in that regard.
Personally, I think it’s all a dastardly devious Canadian conspiracy to take over the entire world. Witness this latest wily wager on global domination: … le1956477/
Team Canada! Fugg Yeah!
Blame Canada!
[quote=“fenlander”]This video took my interest. The Libya campaign seems rather illegal to me. Well if not illegal then some what unfair considering what is going on in other Arab nations right now. Anyway here is the video and this guy seems to make some darn good points. OR does he? I am interested in hearing the views of the Forumosa experts on this vid on what he has to say.
Whoa, wait a second. THAT was Russia Today. NOT a good source.
Lendman is a flake, and the fact that he is spouting yet another conspiracy theory should surprise anyone.
The reason is very simple. Libya is on NATO’s doorstep. Yemen and Bahrain aren’t.
Conspiracy theories give me a rash.
RT :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Have you ever watched that smell ass channel?
And Lendman? :roflmao:
RT regularly has clowns like Alex Jones on there for ‘expert’ analysis, citing it for anything is laughable. They also gave a ton of airtime to that fucktard Russian ‘scholar’ who said the US would break up in 2010.
RT :roflmao:
[quote=“Deuce Dropper”]RT :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Have you ever watched that smell ass channel?
And Lendman? :roflmao:
RT regularly has clowns like Alex Jones on there for ‘expert’ analysis, citing it for anything is laughable. They also gave a ton of airtime to that fucktard Russian ‘scholar’ who said the US would break up in 2010.
RT :roflmao:[/quote]
Yah never heard of this guy before. Thanks for the heads up.
[quote=“Got To Be Kidding”][quote=“fenlander”]This video took my interest. The Libya campaign seems rather illegal to me. Well if not illegal then some what unfair considering what is going on in other Arab nations right now. Anyway here is the video and this guy seems to make some darn good points. OR does he? I am interested in hearing the views of the Forumosa experts on this vid on what he has to say.
The reason is very simple. Libya is on NATO’s doorstep. Yemen and Bahrain aren’t.
Conspiracy theories give me a rash.[/quote]
Your rash is caused by escaped Nazi scientists who have been genetically modified and now working for the CIA.
[quote=“fenlander”][quote=“Got To Be Kidding”][quote=“fenlander”]This video took my interest. The Libya campaign seems rather illegal to me. Well if not illegal then some what unfair considering what is going on in other Arab nations right now. Anyway here is the video and this guy seems to make some darn good points. OR does he? I am interested in hearing the views of the Forumosa experts on this vid on what he has to say.
The reason is very simple. Libya is on NATO’s doorstep. Yemen and Bahrain aren’t.
Conspiracy theories give me a rash.[/quote]
Your rash is caused by escaped Nazi scientists who have been genetically modified and now working for the CIA.[/quote]
[quote=“fenlander”][quote=“Deuce Dropper”]RT :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Have you ever watched that smell ass channel?
And Lendman? :roflmao:
RT regularly has clowns like Alex Jones on there for ‘expert’ analysis, citing it for anything is laughable. They also gave a ton of airtime to that fucktard Russian ‘scholar’ who said the US would break up in 2010.
RT :roflmao:[/quote]
Yah never heard of this guy before. Thanks for the heads up.[/quote]
cheers, sorry for being a bit full on but I watched a lot of RT in the room at night on my CNY vacation, it was the only English channel in a couple of the hotels (subcontinent trip), and the anti-American slant is equal to what Fox does to Obama.
Just one of the many problems I have with conspiracy theorists is they always wait until after something happens to create and present their conspiracy theories. Now, if I ever meet one of the paranoid buggers who could show me a conspiracy theory before an incident, then I might reconsider my position.
Be careful with what you wish for :roflmao:
That might open up a real can of worms.
[quote=“Deuce Dropper”][quote=“fenlander”][quote=“Deuce Dropper”]RT :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Have you ever watched that smell ass channel?
And Lendman? :roflmao:
RT regularly has clowns like Alex Jones on there for ‘expert’ analysis, citing it for anything is laughable. They also gave a ton of airtime to that fucktard Russian ‘scholar’ who said the US would break up in 2010.
RT :roflmao:[/quote]
Yah never heard of this guy before. Thanks for the heads up.[/quote]
cheers, sorry for being a bit full on but I watched a lot of RT in the room at night on my CNY vacation, it was the only English channel in a couple of the hotels (subcontinent trip), and the anti-American slant is equal to what Fox does to Obama.[/quote]
Strike first, strike hard, no mercy
No, no, don’t go there. You’ll get every half-pint flake with voices in their head that want to tell you that 2012 is the end, and it’s a conspiracy.
I’ve been there.
2012 is old hat.
The revised date is 2060.
Based much on the musing of none other than Sir Isaac…
The sneaky basturd!.
[quote=“Deuce Dropper”]RT :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Have you ever watched that smell ass channel?
And Lendman? :roflmao:
RT regularly has clowns like Alex Jones on there for ‘expert’ analysis, citing it for anything is laughable. They also gave a ton of airtime to that fucktard Russian ‘scholar’ who said the US would break up in 2010.
RT :roflmao:[/quote]
I love conspiracy theories but that A.J is just a freak of nature. Speaking of conspiracy theories, I got a gooder…stay tuned.
they wash there hand’s at washkington to get libya land’s to appoint a new king pin pimp of arabia jew’s or rabia jew’s who like to breed with there dicktatership’s in blood of human’s, they like other human’s bleeding so there spurs or spunk can feed on the blood of human’s
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
What the hell is that supposed to mean? [/quote]
OK! I figured it out.